PATELLA, Alfredo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.403
EU - Europa 1.895
AS - Asia 1.064
SA - Sud America 32
OC - Oceania 19
AF - Africa 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 7.419
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.390
IT - Italia 832
CN - Cina 518
UA - Ucraina 374
DE - Germania 251
SG - Singapore 241
TR - Turchia 214
GB - Regno Unito 147
FI - Finlandia 89
SE - Svezia 47
FR - Francia 43
BR - Brasile 27
NL - Olanda 23
IE - Irlanda 22
AU - Australia 18
VN - Vietnam 17
RU - Federazione Russa 16
IN - India 15
ES - Italia 11
CA - Canada 10
HK - Hong Kong 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
KR - Corea 9
IR - Iran 8
BE - Belgio 6
JP - Giappone 6
DK - Danimarca 5
ID - Indonesia 5
AT - Austria 4
IQ - Iraq 4
LT - Lituania 4
MY - Malesia 4
MZ - Mozambico 4
IL - Israele 3
CH - Svizzera 2
EU - Europa 2
GR - Grecia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PH - Filippine 2
PL - Polonia 2
PT - Portogallo 2
RO - Romania 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AR - Argentina 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CL - Cile 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EC - Ecuador 1
LC - Santa Lucia 1
MX - Messico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
Totale 7.419
Città #
Jacksonville 426
Woodbridge 413
Chandler 408
Fairfield 390
Santa Clara 272
Houston 263
Ashburn 216
Ann Arbor 202
Singapore 184
Wilmington 179
Menlo Park 175
Seattle 150
New York 147
Izmir 128
Cambridge 123
Beijing 119
Nanjing 114
Milan 88
Princeton 85
Bremen 82
Rome 61
Boardman 60
San Diego 53
Shanghai 42
Ferrara 40
Shenyang 40
Redwood City 30
Mountain View 29
Nanchang 29
Hebei 28
Jiaxing 23
Changsha 20
Tianjin 20
Padova 19
Dong Ket 16
Naples 15
Bari 13
Trieste 13
Zhengzhou 13
London 12
Norwalk 12
Orange 12
Bologna 11
Genoa 11
Helsinki 11
Kunming 11
Hong Kong 10
Los Angeles 10
North Bergen 10
San Francisco 10
Brno 9
Jesi 9
Jinan 9
Dearborn 8
Addison 7
Indiana 7
Ningbo 7
Perugia 7
Andover 6
Auburn Hills 6
Catania 6
Deventer 6
Munich 6
Mykolayiv 6
Reggio Nell'emilia 6
San Mateo 6
Taizhou 6
Alicante 5
Brescia 5
Brussels 5
Chicago 5
Guangzhou 5
Jakarta 5
Mascali 5
Palermo 5
Verona 5
Abano Terme 4
Bangalore 4
Castrolibero 4
Due Carrare 4
Falls Church 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Hyderabad 4
La Roche-sur-Yon 4
Latina 4
Longare 4
Maputo 4
Modena 4
Modugno 4
Monash 4
Montesilvano Marina 4
Pordenone 4
Savigliano 4
Scarborough 4
Tappahannock 4
Tokyo 4
Torino 4
Venice 4
Cagliari 3
Campobasso 3
Totale 5.104
Nome #
Profilassi antitrombotica in chirurgia ginecologica 558
Evaluation of postoperative pain after gynecologic surgery: a dedicated form 289
G-CSF pharmacologic supplementation in the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) treatment cycles of low responder women 223
17,β-Estradiol levels and oxidative balance in a population of pre-, peri- and post-menopausal women 163
Il problema dell'ASCUS:possibile ruolo del test di tipizzazione virale (HPV-DNA test) 158
MTHFR gene promoter hypermethylation correlates with semen samples of infertile couples with recurrence spontaneous abortion 151
Analysis of cytotoxic activity of peripheral blood natural killer cells in women with recurrent miscarriage 148
ART: when a success is almost a curse 132
Bone mass density selectively correlates with serum markers of oxidative damage in post-menopausal women 131
Procreative sex in infertile couples: the decay of pleasure? 130
Oxidative stress, body fat composition, and endocrine status in pre- and postmenopausal women 127
Hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography: Is possible to quantify the therapeutic effect of a diagnostic test? 127
The critical pregnant patient: a field of competence not only obstetric 126
Establishment of Keratinocyte Colonies From Small-Sized Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Specimens 125
"Type D Personality" e depressione post-partum: studio osservazionale 119
Rectus abdominis muscle endometriotic mass in a woman affected by multiple sclerosis 115
Intrauterine Growth Restriction. 110
Direct sequencing of HPV DNA detected in gynaecologic outpatients in Rome, Italy 108
Studio delle concentrazioni di leptina e adiponectina nella gravidanza fisiologica: ruolo nella sindrome metabolica 108
Adenosine treatment in habitual abortion: A pilot study 108
Immunolocalization of IL-10 in endometrium of habitual abortion: new diagnostic tool? 104
Trichomonas vaginalis infection: Risk indicators among women attending for routine gynecologic examination 104
Italian consensus conference on epilepsy and pregnancy, labor and puerperium 103
Pregnancy-associated breast cancer. 101
Intravaginal gemeprost and second-trimester pregnancy termination in the scarred uterus. 97
Immunolocalization of IL-10 in endometrium of habitual abortion: new diagnostic tool? 95
Use of glucocorticoids in pregnancy. 95
Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. 95
Bone mass density is independently associated with oxidative stress in post- but not in pre-menopausal women 90
null 87
null 87
Il Rischio in Menopausa: La percezione del Rischio da parte dell'Ostetrica. 87
Study of the possible correlations between body fat distribution and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in a population of climacteric women 84
null 84
β-methasone, progesterone and RU-486 (mifepristone) exert similar effects on connexin expression in trophoblast-derived HTR-8/SVneo cells. 81
28.2 Patologia degli annessi fetali 80
Microsurgery versus laparoscopy in distal tubal obstruction hysterosalpingographically or laparoscopically investigated. 79
Pregnancy in undifferentiated connective tissue disease patients: a prospective case-control study 77
Determination of cervicovaginal microorganisms in women with abnormal cervical cytology: the role of Ureaplasma urealyticum. 76
Fracture risk assessment and treatment eligibility status based on FRAX alghorithm and the NOF guidance in a climacteric population 76
Impact of 677C>T mutation of the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase on IVF outcome: Is screening necessary for all infertile women? 76
Breast density changes asociated with hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. Effects on the specificity and sesitivity of mammographic screening . 75
Breast density changes associated with hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. Effects on the specificity and sensitivity of mammographic screening 75
Autologous blood predonation during pregnancy and fetal safety. Computer analysis of fetal heart rate 72
[Cervical cerclage and evidence-based medicine: if, how and when] 70
Correlazione tra biopsia mirata della portio ed esame istologico su pezzo operatorio nell'ambito della prevenzione del cervicocarcinoma 70
Effects of Corticosteroids on the Fetal Lung. 70
Piani di assistenza nelle patologie ginecologiche(cap.40) 68
L'incompetenza cervicale quale fattore di rischio di parto pretermine: ruolo del cerchiaggio cervicale nell'attuale pratica ostetrica 66
Fatal Phaechromocytoma in Pregnancy.Case Report. 64
The use of uterine artery doppler as a predictive tool for adverse gestational outcomes in pregnant patients with autoimmune and thrombophilic disease. 64
Contributi da aree geografiche ad elevato tasso immigratorio: contributo dal Lazio. 64
Cap.3 - I fattori di rischio osteoporotico 63
8. Infezioni micetiche 63
Transizione perimenopausale:metabolismo scheletrico,rischio osteoporotico e di frattura 60
Severe hypoplasia of the right femur, ipsilateral agenesia of the fibula and twisted right foot in a 24-week-old fetus with proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD). 59
Determinazione prenatale non invasiva nel primo trimestre di gravidanza su plasma materno del RhD fetale mediante real-time polymerase chain reaction:una esperienza italiana 58
Terapia delle infezioni genitali da Herpes virus 55
Capitolo 6-Assistenza prenatale 55
"No Pain" to Promote Good Health in Women after Surgery in Ferrara University Hospital (Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy) 54
null 53
null 53
Due decadi d'uso degli analoghi agonisti del GnRH 50
Postchemotherapy late recurrence of nonmetastatic gestational trophoblastic disease following a partial mole. A case report 50
Placental Chorioangioma 50
Progress test nelle Lauree Sanitarie. Metodologia e risultati nel Corso di Laurea in Ostetricia 50
Ovulation induction and the risk of ovarian tumors. 50
Il consultorio familiare nella tutela della maternità. 50
The Influence of Development,of certain Hormones and Drugs on Fetal Respiration 49
Predictive factors of fetal macrosomia. 48
Terapia delle infezioni da HPV 46
PGF2 and the induction of the trial of labor. The prognostic value of uterine contractions. 45
null 44
Does oxidative stress play a role in bone metabolism and postmenopausal osteoporosis? 41
null 35
A rare case of massive congenital bilateral chylothorax in a hydropic fetus with true mosaicism 47,XXX/46,XX 34
Ovarian Stimulation in women with high and normal body mass index:GnRH agonist versus GnRH antagonist 33
Pseudo-meigs' syndrome caused by a uterine leiomyosarcoma: a new clinical condition. 25
Tubal endometrioma within a twisted fallopian tube: a clinically complex diagnosis 24
Pancreatic cancer with liver metastases in a pregnant patient: case report and review of the literature. 21
Il consultorio familiare. Centralità dell'area medica. Atti del XI Congresso Nazionale AGICO, Roma, 5-7 dicembre 2005 18
Totale 7.487
Categoria #
all - tutte 33.833
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.677
Totale 36.510

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134 67 135 85 28
2020/20211.117 80 87 28 166 15 109 19 309 27 114 104 59
2021/2022816 43 110 53 44 29 34 36 52 34 65 93 223
2022/20231.029 95 60 41 132 233 125 44 76 123 16 54 30
2023/2024681 41 64 19 32 58 174 37 44 18 26 36 132
2024/2025841 68 53 140 92 214 175 42 57 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.487