Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.382
EU - Europa 4.585
AS - Asia 2.635
SA - Sud America 61
AF - Africa 47
OC - Oceania 35
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
Totale 15.756
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.344
IT - Italia 1.895
CN - Cina 1.177
UA - Ucraina 717
SG - Singapore 673
DE - Germania 585
TR - Turchia 583
GB - Regno Unito 313
FI - Finlandia 221
SE - Svezia 199
FR - Francia 167
PL - Polonia 95
NL - Olanda 87
ES - Italia 69
ID - Indonesia 64
RU - Federazione Russa 59
BR - Brasile 41
BE - Belgio 36
VN - Vietnam 34
AU - Australia 32
MA - Marocco 31
PT - Portogallo 28
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 27
CA - Canada 26
HK - Hong Kong 23
IN - India 16
CH - Svizzera 14
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 13
RO - Romania 13
IE - Irlanda 11
MX - Messico 11
EU - Europa 9
KR - Corea 9
PH - Filippine 9
DK - Danimarca 8
LT - Lituania 8
IL - Israele 7
AR - Argentina 6
AT - Austria 6
BG - Bulgaria 6
PE - Perù 6
HR - Croazia 5
IR - Iran 5
TH - Thailandia 5
DZ - Algeria 4
JP - Giappone 4
SC - Seychelles 4
CO - Colombia 3
EC - Ecuador 3
HU - Ungheria 3
MY - Malesia 3
NG - Nigeria 3
NO - Norvegia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
TW - Taiwan 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
GR - Grecia 2
LV - Lettonia 2
SM - San Marino 2
TN - Tunisia 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
CL - Cile 1
CM - Camerun 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JO - Giordania 1
LB - Libano 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MZ - Mozambico 1
PA - Panama 1
RS - Serbia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 15.756
Città #
Jacksonville 842
Santa Clara 711
Woodbridge 705
Fairfield 698
Chandler 686
Singapore 513
Ashburn 501
Ann Arbor 391
Houston 388
Wilmington 363
Izmir 319
Seattle 303
Nanjing 280
Ferrara 262
Beijing 227
Princeton 224
Cambridge 221
Milan 189
Boardman 161
Rome 124
Addison 104
Warsaw 82
Los Angeles 79
Nanchang 79
Shanghai 78
Shenyang 78
San Diego 76
Dearborn 74
Bremen 68
Helsinki 63
Jakarta 57
Bologna 52
New York 52
Hebei 51
Changsha 50
Turin 47
Jinan 46
Tianjin 46
Jiaxing 45
Redwood City 41
Dong Ket 33
Norwalk 30
Brussels 29
Falkenstein 28
Florence 27
Paris 24
Falls Church 23
Kunming 23
Bari 22
San Mateo 22
Zhengzhou 22
Auburn Hills 21
Mountain View 21
London 19
Munich 19
Ningbo 19
Orange 19
Washington 19
Brno 18
Des Moines 18
Siena 16
Guangzhou 15
Hong Kong 15
Tübingen 15
Verona 15
Naples 14
Alzano Lombardo 13
Chicago 12
Ottawa 12
Philadelphia 12
Dallas 11
Indiana 11
Madrid 11
Modena 11
Utrecht 11
Barcelona 10
Genoa 10
Lappeenranta 10
Vicenza 10
Changchun 9
Hangzhou 9
Hereford 9
Padova 9
Tarragona 9
Bergamo 8
Bordeaux 8
Formigine 8
Palermo 8
Pisa 8
Ravenna 8
Amsterdam 7
Brescia 7
Dublin 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Hefei 7
Lecce 7
Moncalieri 7
Porretta Terme 7
Rockdale 7
Campobasso 6
Totale 10.228
Nome #
Manuale di tecnologia litica preistorica. Concetti, metodi e tecniche 239
San Carlo Canavese - San Francesco al Campo, località Vauda. Reperti litici del Paleolitico medio 184
The Pirro Nord site (Apricena, Fg, Southern Italy) in the context of the first European peopling: Convergences and divergences 172
A human deciduous tooth and new 40Ar/39Ar dating results from the Middle Pleistocene archaeological site of Isernia La pineta, southern Italy 171
null 167
40Ar/39Ar and ESR/U-series dates for Guado San Nicola, Middle Pleistocene key site at the Lower/Middle Palaeolithic transition in Italy 166
Between "vintage" and "avant-guard", the Lower Palaeolithic settlements in Molise region (Italy) 160
Middle Pleistocene behavioural strategies: the contribution of Isernia La Pineta site (Molise, Italy) 158
Human behavior and Homo-mammal interactions at the first European peopling: new evidence from the Pirro Nord site (Apricena, Southern Italy) 157
null 156
The Middle Pleistocene site of Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Central Italy) on the Lower/Middle Palaeolithic transition 153
The need for a taphonomic perspective in spatial analysis: Formation processes at the Early Pleistocene site of Pirro Nord (P13), Apricena, Italy 147
Chronological context of the first hominin occurrence in southern Europe: the Allophaiomys ruffoi (Arvicolinae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from Pirro 13 (Pirro Nord, Apulia, southwestern Italy) 146
New insights on the Monte Fenera Palaeolithic, Italy: Geoarchaeology of the Ciota Ciara cave 145
Assemblages with bifacial tools in Eurasia (second part). What is going on in the East? Data from India, Eastern Asia and Southeast Asia [Assemblanges à outils bifaciaux en Eurasie (deuxième partie). Que se passe-t-il à l’Est ? Données sur l’Inde, l’Asie de l’Est et l’Asie du Sud-Est] 145
The assemblages with bifacial tools in Eurasia (first part). What is going on in the West? Data on western and southern Europe and the Levant [Assemblages à outils bifaciaux en Eurasie (première partie). Que se passe-t-il à l'Ouest? Données sur l'Europe occidentale et méridionale ainsi que sur le Levant] 141
A reexamination of the Middle Paleolithic human remains from Riparo Tagliente, Italy 138
Assemblages with bifacial tools in Eurasia (third part). Considerations on the bifacial phenomenon throughout Eurasia 137
The Mousterian lithic assemblage of the Ciota Ciara cave (Piedmont, Northern Italy): exploitation and conditioning of raw materials 132
The 1-million-year-old quartz assemblage from Pont-de-Lavaud (Centre, France) in the European context 130
null 128
Small and large mammals from the Ciota Ciara cave (Borgosesia, Vercelli, Italy): An Isotope Stage 5 assemblage 128
Raw materials procurement strategies at the Ciota Ciara cave: New insight on land mobility in north-western Italy during Middle Palaeolithic 126
Lower and middle Pleistocene human settlements in the Middle Loire River Basin, Centre Region, France 123
New ESR/U-series data for the early Middle Pleistocene site of Isernia la Pineta, Italy 123
L’occupazione musteriana della grotta della Ciota Ciara, nuovi dati dalla campagna di scavo 2014 117
Taphonomic analysis on fossil remains from the Ciota Ciara cave (Piedmont, Italy ) and new evidence of cave bear and wolf exploitation with simple quartz flakes by Neanderthal 114
The first European peopling and the Italian case: Peculiarities and "opportunism" 113
Dental phenotypic shape variation supports a multiple dispersal model for anatomically modern humans in Southeast Asia 112
Prospections systématiques d'une vallée entre Rhône et Loire (France). Une cartographie de l'occupation à  la fin de l'Acheuléen? [Systematic surveys of a valley between Rhône and Loire Rivers (France). Mapping of the human occupation at the end of the Acheulean?] 112
L'industrie lithique du site Pléistocène inferieur de Pirro Nord (Apricena, Italie du sud) : une occupation humaine entre 1,3 et 1,7 Ma 111
Palaeoenvironments of early hominins in temperate and Mediterranean Eurasia: new palaeobotanical data from Palaeolithic key-sites and synchronous natural sequences 111
Techno-economical characteristics of the lithic industries coming from a surface Acheulean site: Aïn Dfali, Ouazzane, Morocco 110
An application of high resolution geophysical techniques to define geometry and lithologies of the Isernia La Pineta deposits (Molise, Italy) 109
L'analisi tracceologica per la ricustuzione delle attività nella preistoria: l'esempio della Grotta della Ciota Ciara (Borgosesia, VC) 106
Borgosesia, Monte Fenera. L’occupazione musteriana della grotta della Ciota Ciara. 106
Evidence of an Early Pleistocene hominin presence at Pirro Nord (Apricena, Foggia, southern Italy): P13 site 103
Suspected limited mobility of a Middle Pleistocene woman from Southern Italy: Strontium isotopes of a human deciduous tooth 103
Il sito di Pirro Nord (Apricena, FG) nel contesto del primo popolamento europeo: strategie di produzione ed influenza della materia prima. 101
Expedient behaviour and predetermination at the Ciota Ciara cave (north-western Italy) during Middle Palaeolithic 99
Stratigraphical and palaeontological data from the Early Pleistocene Pirro 10 site of Pirro Nord (Puglia, south eastern Italy) 97
Borgosesia, Monte Fenera. Grotta della Ciota Ciara. Nuovi dati sull’occupazione musteriana 97
Le ricerche preistoriche dell'Università di Ferrara 97
Considerazioni conclusive 96
Les plus anciens peuplements de la Péninsule italienne 95
The Levallois debitage in the Amane Oukider site (South-West Morocco):Technological analysis of a standardized assemblage [Le débitage Levallois du site d’Amane Oukider (Sud-Est du Maroc) : analyse technologique d’un assemblage standardisé] 95
Special Issue: The Hoslteinian period in Europe (MIS 11-9) 93
Primo convegno nazionale degli studenti di antropologia, preistoria e protostoria: Ferrara, 8-10 maggio 2004. Riassunti 92
Les faunes du site paléolithique d’Isernia La Pineta. 91
Aires d’approvisionnement en matières premières lithiques et en ressources alimentaires dans les niveaux mousteriens et épigravettiens de l’Abri Tagliente (Verone, Italie): une dimension "locale" 90
null 90
Pirro Nord 88
Obsidian from the Bronze Age Village of San Vincenzo, Stromboli, Aeolian Islands: A Preliminary Investigation 87
Tracing Fire in Early European Prehistory: Microcharcoal Quantification in Geological and Archaeological Records from Molise (Southern Italy) 87
Il sito Musteriano di Grotta Reali (Rocchetta al Volturno, Molise): studi preliminari 86
L’insediamento a bifacciali di Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Molise, Italia) 86
Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Prov. di Isernia) 84
Pirro Nord 84
L’occupazione umana del Pleistocene medio di Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Molise) 84
null 83
Grotta della Ciota Ciara 83
International Erasmus Mundus Master in Quaternary and Prehistory, theses 2006-2007 82
Grotta della Ciota Ciara 82
Grotta della Ciota Ciara 82
Il sito musteriano di Grotta Reali (Rocchetta a Volturno, Molise): studi preliminari 81
The intra-site analysis of the palaeolithic site of Isernia La Pineta (Molise, Italia). 81
Nuovi dati sul Paleolitico medio piemontese. Prospezioni geoarcheologiche nelle baagge biellesi. 81
The deposit of the Late Pleistocene from Avetrana (Taranto, Southern Italy): biochronology and paleoecology 80
Middle and Upper Palaeolithic of the Veneto area: new data from the Mousterian and Late Epigravettian layers of Riparo Tagliente (Stallavena di Grezzana, Verona, Italy) 80
null 79
Middle Palaeolithic stone-tool technology from the Central Balkans: The site of Uzun Mera (eastern Republic of Macedonia) 79
Apheleia. Building an European strategic partnership for Cultural Integrated Landscape Management for sustainable development and global understanding 79
Il Paleolitico in Molise. Nuovi dati dal sito di Guado San Nicola a Monteroduni (IS) 78
L’industria litica. Obiettivi, metodi e strumenti di studio 77
null 77
L'occupazione umana del Pleistocene medio di Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Molise) 76
In Puglia il primo europeo? Indagini in corso da Apricena 75
I bifacciali di Monteroduni. Un sito acheuleano di occupazione? 75
null 75
Grotta della Ciota Ciara 75
Arcipelago delle Filippine Homo sapiens a Tabon Cave 74
Pirro Nord 74
L?industrie lithique mousterienne ("Tagli 40-42") du Riparo Tagliente (Verone, Italie) 74
The Acheulean open site of La Garde (Loire). Remarks on a lithic assemblage between Rhône and Loire 73
Ciota Ciara: sulle vie dei Neanderthal 73
Low-Tech” approach as a strategy for effective UAV surveying of landscape and cultural heritage. Experiences from the lab and the field 72
Pirro Nord 72
Early Levallois core technology between Marine Isotope Stage 12 and 9 in Western Europe 72
Aires d?approvisionnement en matieres lithiques et en ressources alimentaires dans les niveaux mousteriens et epigravettiens de l?Abri Tagliente (Verone, Italie) : une dimension < locale > 71
Out of Africa : the first evidence of italian peninsula occuoation 71
null 71
Comportements techniques de l’Acheuléen en Italie : l’exemple de Guado San Nicola (Molise, Italie du Sud) 71
Excavation in progress: the palaeolithic site of Isernia La Pineta, Italy 70
Nouvelles données sur les caractéristiques et l’évolution tecno-économique de l’Industrie moustérienne du Riparo Tagliente (Verone, Italie) 69
Middle Pleistocene human and animal mobility at Isernia la Pineta: A strontium and oxygen isotope perspective 69
Il sito del Paleolitico medio di Grotta Reali 69
The Mousterian settlement in the Ciota Ciara Cave: the oldest evidence of Homo nenanderthalensis in Piedmont (Northern Italy) 68
Totale 10.261
Categoria #
all - tutte 87.362
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 10.053
Totale 97.415

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 223 150 310 157 78
2020/20212.329 175 145 129 238 103 294 138 280 101 292 269 165
2021/20221.831 97 211 120 101 98 86 69 115 82 154 128 570
2022/20231.983 212 94 64 207 325 273 126 173 266 35 113 95
2023/20241.339 127 156 75 50 95 130 59 69 31 78 107 362
2024/20252.428 182 159 464 182 646 473 212 110 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.190