PRODI, Franco
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.832
EU - Europa 982
AS - Asia 773
OC - Oceania 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 5.595
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.830
CN - Cina 421
UA - Ucraina 347
SG - Singapore 191
DE - Germania 161
TR - Turchia 148
GB - Regno Unito 143
IT - Italia 119
FI - Finlandia 81
SE - Svezia 60
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 16
FR - Francia 14
BE - Belgio 10
RU - Federazione Russa 7
ES - Italia 6
LT - Lituania 5
RO - Romania 5
JP - Giappone 4
TW - Taiwan 4
AT - Austria 3
AU - Australia 3
AM - Armenia 2
EU - Europa 2
IE - Irlanda 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BR - Brasile 1
CA - Canada 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
HU - Ungheria 1
PA - Panama 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 5.595
Città #
Woodbridge 454
Fairfield 405
Jacksonville 377
Houston 353
Ann Arbor 291
Chandler 254
Ashburn 212
Wilmington 183
Santa Clara 159
Singapore 141
Cambridge 124
Seattle 123
Nanjing 118
Izmir 109
Princeton 86
Addison 69
Boardman 63
Beijing 51
San Diego 42
Nanchang 32
Shanghai 29
Shenyang 28
Jiaxing 20
Mountain View 20
Tianjin 20
Hebei 19
Falls Church 18
Los Angeles 18
Milan 16
Norwalk 16
Changsha 15
Jinan 15
Olomouc 15
Kunming 14
Philadelphia 14
Helsinki 13
Bologna 12
San Mateo 12
Auburn Hills 11
Indiana 11
Redwood City 11
Brussels 10
Munich 10
Zhengzhou 10
Taizhou 9
London 8
Tappahannock 8
New York 7
Ningbo 7
Washington 7
Frankfurt am Main 6
Pavia 6
Des Moines 5
Orange 5
Verona 5
Genova 4
Guangzhou 4
Hangzhou 4
Kilburn 4
Lanzhou 4
Moscow 4
Barcelona 3
Bovolone 3
Clifton 3
Montesilvano Marina 3
Palermo 3
Portsmouth 3
Rome 3
San Francisco 3
Taipei 3
Ancona 2
Chengdu 2
Chicago 2
Detmold 2
Florence 2
Getafe 2
Haikou 2
Hounslow 2
Isola Vicentina 2
Madison 2
Qingdao 2
Redmond 2
San Pietro Vernotico 2
Sesto San Giovanni 2
Teiul 2
Turin 2
Vienna 2
Walnut 2
Xi'an 2
Yellow Springs 2
Yerevan 2
Acton 1
Adelaide 1
Ala 1
Americana 1
Andover 1
Atlanta 1
Atlantic City 1
Berlin 1
Bloomington 1
Totale 4.198
Nome #
Measurements of diffusiophoretic velocities of aerosol particles in the transition region 159
Chemical characterization of cloud episodes at a ridge site in Tuscan Appennines, Italy 143
A study on cut-off low vertical structure and precipitation in the Mediterranean region 137
Analysis of the moments and parameters of a gamma DSD to infer precipitation properties: a convective stratiform discrimination algorithm 124
Cloud systems leading to flood events in Europe: an overview and classification 123
Effects of altitude on maximum raindrop size and fall velocity as limited by collisional breakup 121
Comparison between Pludix and impact/optical disdrometers during rainfall measurement campaigns 118
3-D effects in microwave radiative transport inside precipitating clouds: Modeling and applications 118
Precipitation classification at mid-latitudes in terms of drop size distribution parameters 112
Precipitation classification at mid-latitudes in terms of drop size distribution parameters 111
PAHs and trace elements in PM2.5 at the venice lagoon 107
Digital holography for observing aerosol particles undergoing Brownian motion in microgravity conditions. 106
Characteristics of atmospheric particles (Airborne and in snowpack) at Khumbu Glacier in the Nepalese Himalayas (EV-K2-CNR Project) 104
Measurements of phoretic velocities of aerosol particles in microgravity conditions 103
Ballistic accretion on seeds of different sizes 103
Measurements of phoretic velocities of aerosol particles in microgravity conditions. 102
Terminal settling velocity measurements of volcanic ash during the 2002-2003 Etna eruption by an X-band microwave rain gauge disdrometer 102
On the combined use of satellite multispectral and radar polarimetric measurements to infer cloud microphysics 102
Experimental measurements on thermophoresis in the transition region 100
Measurements of optical characteristics of dilute suspensions and dry deposits of clay particles with a polar nephelometer 97
Deep convection in Mediterranean cyclones 95
Stochastic models of ice accretion 95
Measurements of thermophoretic velocities of aerosol particles in microgravity conditions in different carrier gases 94
MEFFE, satellite and combined satellite-radar techniques in meteorological forecasting for flood events; research activities and results. 94
Investigating a SSM/I microwave algorithm to calibrate Meteosat infrared instantaneous rainrate estimates 92
Analysis of Pludix disdrometer performance during the BBC-2 campaign 86
Discrepancy between Ice Particles and Ice Nuclei in Mixed Clouds: Critical Aspects 80
Montecarlo computations of solar reflectance from ice and water clouds at near IR frequencies. 77
Multisensor analysis of convection in Mediterranean cyclones 76
Conceptual atmospheric models and their linking with hydrological models 75
La precipitazione da satellite: un prodotto alternativo per le applicazioni agrometeorlogiche di monitoraggio territoriale 75
Atmospheric precipitation analysis using both disdrometric and satellite data for desertificaton studies. 75
Storia di Ferrara. Volume I: Territorio e Preistoria. Il clima del territorio ferrarese 73
Ballistic accretion on a point seed 73
Precipitation analysis using disdrometric data to evaluate runoff and erosive processes 71
Thermophoretic measurements in presence of thermal stress convection in aerosol in microgravity conditions of Drop Tower 70
Precipitation Estimation: from the RAO to Eurainsat and beyond 69
Analysis of precipitation structure over Tibetan Plateau 69
Comparison of two disdrometers based on different principles 68
La stima della precipitazione 68
Rainfall estimation by combining radar and infrared satellite data for nowcasting purpose 68
Analysis of the spatial variability of rain drop size distributions during rain events 68
Analysis of two MCS in the Mediterranean induced by cyclonic rotation 68
2D and 3D modelling of low density ice accretion on rotating wires with variable surfaces irregularities 67
Drop breakup dependence on altitude: evidence by MW disdrometer Pludix data 67
Satellite multi-frquency observations of severe convective systems in the Mediterranean 65
Relationship between the hydrometeor size distribution and cloud microphysical properties using disdrometric data. 64
On the use of a SEVIRI-based statistical rainfall classification technique calibrated with TRMM-PR over southern Mediterranean 64
Precipitation type and rainfall intensity from the Pludix disdrometer during the Wasserkuppe campaign. 63
Radar-disdrometer comparison during rain events over the urban area of Rome 63
M channels to radar measurements ground precipitationOn the sensitività of Modis visibile /1.6 . 62
Multiparametric radar/microwave precipitation retrieval 60
Utilization of remotely sensed data for rainfall estimation. Use and availability of meteorological information from different sources as input in agrometeorological models 58
Use of satellite derived rainfall maps as input to distributed rainfall-runoff models 58
On the sensitivity of modis visible/1.6 micron channels to radar-measured ground precipitation 56
Integrated multi-sensor approach to rainfall rate estimate optimisation 55
Insights on the updraught extinction by satellite observations and cloud microphysical model 54
Measurements of atmospheric aerosol in the Salentum Peninsula and its correlation with local meteorology 53
Size characterisation of aerosol in the Venice Lagoon 53
Operational rainfall estimation using METEOSAT infrared imagery: its potential and drawbacks 53
Monodisperse droplet distribution in the ice accretion process 52
Rainfall estimation over the Arno River basin (Italy): a flood hazard case study 51
Use of digital holography for size estimation of aerosol particles from their Brownian motion. 50
Use of the MSG SEVIRI channels in a combined SSM/I, TRMM and geostationary IR method for rapid updates of rainfall 50
Measurements of PM2.5 concentration and vertical turbulent mass fluxes in the surface layer 48
Totale 5.625
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.255
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.555
Totale 26.810

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020551 0 0 0 0 0 118 72 104 62 113 63 19
2020/2021750 77 109 66 84 13 79 8 90 11 86 85 42
2021/2022674 23 75 49 18 35 38 27 43 25 51 49 241
2022/2023641 70 18 36 63 106 124 6 61 68 7 50 32
2023/2024302 25 50 17 10 32 26 4 14 1 7 8 108
2024/2025425 48 23 107 33 213 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.625