LUCIANI, Valeria
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.406
EU - Europa 2.375
AS - Asia 1.545
OC - Oceania 26
SA - Sud America 17
AF - Africa 12
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 10.386
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.381
CN - Cina 713
IT - Italia 643
UA - Ucraina 594
SG - Singapore 353
TR - Turchia 318
DE - Germania 290
GB - Regno Unito 242
SE - Svezia 170
FI - Finlandia 143
PL - Polonia 114
FR - Francia 77
VN - Vietnam 49
ID - Indonesia 40
AU - Australia 24
IR - Iran 21
CA - Canada 19
BE - Belgio 15
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
HK - Hong Kong 12
JP - Giappone 12
NL - Olanda 12
CH - Svizzera 10
AT - Austria 9
BR - Brasile 9
RU - Federazione Russa 9
IN - India 8
ES - Italia 7
LT - Lituania 7
TN - Tunisia 6
KR - Corea 5
MX - Messico 5
PT - Portogallo 5
TW - Taiwan 5
GR - Grecia 4
IE - Irlanda 4
AR - Argentina 3
CO - Colombia 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EU - Europa 3
PK - Pakistan 3
RO - Romania 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
HU - Ungheria 2
JO - Giordania 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
AM - Armenia 1
CL - Cile 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
GT - Guatemala 1
LB - Libano 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PH - Filippine 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 10.386
Città #
Woodbridge 761
Jacksonville 669
Fairfield 584
Houston 552
Chandler 493
Santa Clara 446
Ashburn 343
Ann Arbor 327
Singapore 264
Wilmington 240
Seattle 237
Izmir 198
Cambridge 194
Nanjing 162
Princeton 150
Milan 141
Warsaw 114
Beijing 101
Addison 91
Boardman 73
Ferrara 73
San Diego 67
Shenyang 62
Nanchang 54
Dong Ket 49
Changsha 41
Jakarta 36
Shanghai 36
Tianjin 36
Jiaxing 34
Hebei 33
Los Angeles 33
Falls Church 30
Padova 28
Redwood City 28
Jinan 22
Helsinki 21
London 20
San Mateo 20
Bologna 19
Norwalk 17
Ningbo 15
Zhengzhou 15
Toronto 14
Verona 14
Washington 13
Brussels 12
Bari 11
Dearborn 11
Kunming 11
Mountain View 11
Orange 11
Philadelphia 11
Rome 11
Brno 9
Taizhou 9
Bovisio Masciago 8
Des Moines 8
Haikou 8
Hong Kong 8
New York 8
Auburn Hills 7
Berlin 7
Trento 7
Bolzano 6
Bremen 6
Changchun 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Guangzhou 6
Paris 6
Albignasego 5
Birmingham 5
Florence 5
Hangzhou 5
Lappeenranta 5
Pescara 5
Potsdam 5
Redmond 5
Xi'an 5
Zurich 5
Arcole 4
Charlotte 4
Chengdu 4
Chicago 4
Dallas 4
Exeter 4
Geumjeong-gu 4
Indiana 4
Kilburn 4
Lanzhou 4
Laurel 4
Mainz 4
Mumbai 4
Nardò 4
Paderno Dugnano 4
Pavullo Nel Frignano 4
Pieve Di Soligo 4
Sezze 4
Sydney 4
Taipei 4
Totale 7.304
Nome #
Stratigrafia sequenziale del Terziario nella Catena del Monte Baldo (Provincie di Verona e Trento) 192
Large deadfalls of the ʻginsuʼ shark Cretoxyrhina mantelli (Agassiz, 1835) (Neoselachii, Lamniformes) from the Upper Cretaceous of northeastern Italy 173
Planktic foraminiferal response to early Eocene carbon cycle perturbations in the southeast Atlantic Ocean (ODP Site 1263) 153
Direct evidence of trophic interaction between a large lamniform shark, Cretodus sp., and a marine turtle from the Cretaceous of northeastern Italy 150
Environmental perturbations at the early Eocene ETM2, H2, and I1 events as inferred by Tethyan calcareous plankton (Terche section, northeastern Italy) 137
Major perturbations in the global carbon cycle and photosymbiont-bearing planktic foraminifera during the early Eocene 134
Did Photosymbiont Bleaching Lead to the Demise of Planktic Foraminifer Morozovella at the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum? 131
Biotic and geochemical response to anoxic events: The Aptian pelagic succession of the Gargano promontory (Southern Italy) 124
Paleoenvironmental changes during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) and its aftermath: the benthic foraminiferal record from the Alano section (NE Italy) 122
The planktic foraminiferPlanorotalitesin the Tethyan middle Eocene 121
Changes in calcareous nannofossil assemblages during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum: Clues from the central-western Tethys (Alano section, NE Italy) 118
Integrated bio-magnetostratigraphy of the Alano section (NE Italy): a proposal for defining the Middle-Late Eocene boundary 115
Cenomanian-Turonian carbonate and organic-carbon isotope records, biostratigraphy and provenance of a key section in NE Sicily, Italy: Palaeoceanographic and palaeogeographic implications. 113
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum as recorded by Tethyan planktonic foraminifera in the Forada section (northern Italy) 113
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Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events and radially elongated chambered planktonic foraminifera: paleoecological and paleoceanographic implications. 109
Planktonic foraminifers across the Bonarelli Event (OAE2, latest Cenomanian): the Italian record 109
The Bartonian-Priabonian transition in the Mossano section (Colli Berici, north-eastern Italy): a tentative correlation between calcareous plankton and shallow-water benthic zonations 108
High-resolution geochemical and biotic records of the Tethyan ‘Bonarelli Level’ (OAE2, latest Cenomanian) from the Calabianca-Guidaloca composite section, northwestern Sicily, Italy 107
First associated tooth set of a high-cusped Ptychodus (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Upper Cretaceous of northeastern Italy, and resurrection of Ptychodus altior Agassiz, 1835 107
The Selli Level from the Gargano Promontory (Apulia, southern Italy): foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil data. 103
Middle Eocene Nummulites and their offshore re-deposition: a case study from the Middle Eocene of the Venetian area, northeastern Italy 102
Change from rimmed to ramp platform forced by regional and global events in the Cretaceous of the Friuli-Adriatic Platform (Southern Alps, Italy) 101
The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO): a multi-proxy record of paleoceanographic changes in the South-East Atlantic (ODP Site 1263, Walvis Ridge 99
The Bonarelli Level and other black shales in the Cenomanian-Turonian of the northeastern Dolomites (Italy): calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal data 97
An expanded Cretaceous-Tertiary transition in a pelagic setting of the southern Alps (central-western Tethys). 96
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Successive extinctions of muricate planktonic foraminifera (Morozovelloides and Acarinina) as a candidate for marking the base Priabonian 93
Correlation Between Shallow Benthic Zones and Calcareous Plankton Zones at the Bartonian–Priabonian Transition: Preliminary Results from the Varignano Section (Trento Province, Northern Italy) 93
The Italian record of the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum 93
The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) impact on the benthic and planktic foraminiferal resilience from a shallow-water sedimentary record 92
Which was the habitat of early Eocene planktic foraminifer Chiloguembelina? Stable isotope paleobiology from the Atlantic Ocean and implication for paleoceanographic reconstructions 91
Albian high-resolution biostratigraphy and isotope stratigraphy: the Coppa della Nuvola section pelagic succession of the Gargano Promontory (Southern Italy) 90
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Tselfatia formosa Arambourg, 1943 (Pisces, Actinopterygii) dal Cretaceo Superiore del Trentino (Italia settentrionale). 88
A new Fossil-Lagerstätte from the Early Eocene of Lessini Mountains (northeastern Italy): a multidisciplinary approach 87
null 85
Heavy metal pollution at the Goro laggon (Italy): benthic foraminifera as additional tool for environmental monitoring 84
Biotic and geochemical evidence of the main Pleistocene oceanographic and climate events in the East New Zealand Pacific ocean (IMAGES Site MD 97-2114, Chatham Rise) 82
Benthic Foraminifera as environmental bioindicators of trace metal pollution at the sacca di Goro (Po River Delta, northern Italy). 82
L’annegamento Santoniano della piattaforma Apula nell’area di Apricena (Gargano, Puglia): nuovi dati per la paleogeografia del Cretaceo superiore. 82
An integrated stratigraphic record of the Paleocene–lower Eocene at Gubbio (Italy): new insights into the early Paleogene hyperthermals and carbon isotope excursions 80
Comunità di piattaforma del Bartoniano e del Priaboniano (Eocene medio, Eocene superiore; Colli Berici, Vicenza): un approccio paleoecologoco. 79
Tethyan Cenomanian pelagic rhythmic sedimentation and Pleistocene sapropels: is the biotic signal comparable? 78
Test abnormalities in benthic foraminifera and heavy metal pollution at the Goro lagoon (Italy): a multi-year history 78
An early Eocene carbon cycle perturbation at ca 52.5 Ma in the Southern Alps: Chronology and biotic response 77
Foramlag project: benthic foraminifera as biomonitoring tool of transitional marine ecosystems 77
Architectures in cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal test as a pproxy to detect major global perturbations 76
The middle Eocene climatic optimum (MECO) in the Alano di Piave section (Venetian southern Alps, NE Italy) 74
Nannofossili calcarei e foraminiferi planctonici nei livelli anossici, pelagiti ritmiche e torbiditi del Cenomaniano - Turoniano nelle Dolomiti ampezzane. 74
null 74
The Monte S. Angelo Sequence (Late Cretaceous-Paleocene, Gargano Promontory, southern Italy): physical stratigraphy and biostratigraphy. 74
A Tethyan planktonic foraminiferal and stable carbon isotope record of the Early Eocene Climatic optimum (Possagno section of northeastern Italy). 73
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Valorizzazione storica e geoturistica di materiali lapidei mesozoici e terziari impiegati nell’architettura antica di Ferrara. 72
Evolutionary and paleoecological response of Cretaceous radially Elongated chambered planktonic foraminifera to the major global changes 72
High resolution study on planktonic foraminifera across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in the expanded Tethyan Forada section ( Italy): paleoecological and paleoenvironmental implications 72
The role of Jurassic and Cretaceous condensed pelagic limestones and of Meso-Cenozoic platform carbonates in the historic architecture of Ferrara (Northern Italy). 72
Distribution, suitability and characterization of flint sources in the marche Appennine: the upper Esino basin. 70
La Dorsale Paleogenica M. Baldo-M. Bondone (Trentino meridionale): significato paleogeografico e paleotettonico. 70
Statistical analysis of Pleistocene calcareous microplanktonic assemblages: an attempt for understanding the variations of environmental parameters 70
Regional record of a global oceanic anoxic event: OAE1a on the Apulia Platform margin, Gargano Promontory, southern Italy 70
Calcareous plankton and climate system interaction during the last one milion years in the East New Zealand Pacific Ocean (Images Core MD97-2114, Chatham Rise) 69
Guembelitria irregularis bloom at the K-T boudary: morphological abnormalities induced in planktonic foraminifera by impact-related extreme environmental stress? 69
Organic Carbon Burial following the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the central western Tethys. 69
Integrated stratigraphy at the Bartonian−Priabonian transition: Correlation between shallow benthic and calcareous plankton zones (Varignano section, northern Italy) 69
Limestones in Ferrara Renaissance buildings 68
Late Santonian partial drowning of the Apulia Carbonate Platform (Gargano Promontory, southern Italy): new data for paleogeographic reconstructions 68
Early Cretaceous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera from northern Gargano (Apulia, Italy) 68
The Early Paleogene of the Valbelluna (Venetian Southern Alps). Fieldtrip Guidebook ODP Leg 208 Post-Cruise Meeeting. 68
Integrated calcareous nannofossil and planktonic foraminiferal bioevents of the last 1.07 Ma: a case study from the East New Zealand Pacific Ocean. 66
Peculiar architectures in the Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera: links to oceanic anoxic events and major global changes 64
Is the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) recorded in the central-western Tethys? 64
How did the planktonic foraminifera respond to the extreme environmental stress induced by the OAE2 (Bonarelli Level) in the Bottaccione section (Gubbio, Italy)? 63
Platform margin collapses and sequence stratigraphic orgnization of carbonate slopes: Cretaceous-Eocene, Gargano Promontory, Southern Italy 63
The regional record of Albian oceanic anoxic events at the Apulian Platform Margin (Gargano Promontory, southern Italy) 63
The OAE1a in the slope-to-basin settngs of the Apulia Platform Margin (Southern Italy): regional record of the global oceanic anoxic event 62
Cretaceous Anoxic Events and the radiation of radially elongated chambered planktonic foraminifera 62
Planktonic foraminifers and environmental changes across the Bonarelli Event (OAE2, latest Cenomanian) in its type area: a high-resolution study from the Tethyan reference Bottacione section (Gubbio, central Italy) 62
New biostratigraphic data from the Bottaccione section (Gubbio, central Italy): the occurrence of the topmost Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal Plummerita hantkeninoides 61
L’uso di calcari pelagici mesozoici in architetture rinascimentali di Ferrara: aspetti stratigrafici e geoturistica. 61
Proposal for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Priabonian Stage (Eocene) at the Alano section (Italy) 61
The Paleogene of the Central-Eastern Veneto region (Northeastern Italy), post-conference field trip guidebook, July 5-6, 2014, Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene, CBEP 2014 61
Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events and the Radiation of Radially Elongated Chambered Planktonic Foraminifera. 60
Foramlag Project: Benthic Foraminifera as biomonitoring tool of transitional marine Ecosystems. 60
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Early-Middle Eocene Hyperthermals from the Tethyan Possagno section, Southern Alps, Italy 59
Il Paleogene inferiore in facies pelagica nel Veneto nord-orientale. 58
Evolutionary and paleoecological response of Cretaceous radially elongated chambered planktonic foraminfiera to the Oceanic Anoxic Event 58
Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoclimatology of the Oligocene/Miocene transition from the Monte Brione Formation (Northern Italy, Lake Garda). 58
The Albian Oceanic Anoxic Events at the Apulia Platform margin (Gargano Promontory, Southern Italy) 57
The Albian oceanic anoxic events at the Apulian Platform Margin (southern Italy): regional record and global control 57
Geomorfologia dei sistemi di stagni costieri di Vendicari (SR): il ruolo di eventi di sfondamento dei cordoni dunari 57
The Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO) as recorded by planktonic foraminiferal and stable carbon isotope changes in the classical Tethyan Possagno section (NE Italy) 57
Totale 8.569
Categoria #
all - tutte 50.583
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.236
Totale 51.819

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020926 0 0 0 0 0 204 109 185 101 207 76 44
2020/20211.637 138 160 63 167 39 173 122 201 41 233 179 121
2021/20221.253 38 158 87 113 45 47 36 60 36 100 132 401
2022/20231.246 140 54 29 145 172 168 107 126 173 10 75 47
2023/2024650 56 101 31 22 61 46 32 27 14 29 54 177
2024/20251.164 93 115 245 70 401 240 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.576