CHAPMAN, Richard
CHAPMAN, Richard
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
"Small Is Beautiful?" Shakespeare's Sonnets As a Linguistic Corpus
file con accesso da definire2014 Chapman, Richard
"You have no choice:" Pragmatic considerations in current language test instruments
2015 Chapman, Richard
A Windrush to the Bottom?
2020 Chapman, Richard
file con accesso da definire2024 Chapman, Richard
Blended On-line Courses: High Technology and Mixed Motivation?
file con accesso da definire2017 Chapman, Richard
Computerised Summative Testing: One Step Forward or Two Steps Back?
file con accesso da definire2014 Chapman, Richard
Corpus Linguistic Analysis: How Far Can We Go?
2018 Chapman, Richard
Is the Current Global Role of English Sustainable?
2018 Chapman, Richard
Managing Infinity – Language Teaching in the Post-Digital Age
2023 Chapman, Richard
Meaning and Learning in the English Language Classroom
file con accesso da definire2008 Chapman, Richard
Naming or shaming? Presentations of the self in specialisec weblog discourse
2017 Chapman, Richard
New Media - New English? An Investigation into Lexical, Textual, and Pragmatic Developments in English in the Age of the Internet.
file con accesso da definire2011 Chapman, Richard
New Sport Media Language: Lexicon and Culture in New Media
file con accesso da definire2012 Chapman, Richard
Questioning assumptions in English language teaching and ESP
2021 Chapman, R.
Raffaella Bombi, La Linguistica del contatto – Tipologie di anglicismi nell’italiano contemporaneo e riflessi metalinguistici. Ricensione.
file con accesso da definire2009 Chapman, Richard
Sustaining Languages and the Language of Sustainability. The Need for Change
2022 Chapman, Richard
Technology, Techne and Lexis. Teaching English in a transformed world
2023 Chapman, Richard
The deceiving elf? Can English really fulfil the role of a lingua franca?
2015 Chapman, Richard
The Role of Subtitles in Language Teaching
file con accesso da definire2017 Chapman, Richard
The Words that Count: Exploring Theoretical Questions in CADS
2019 Chapman, Richard