Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.685
EU - Europa 2.265
AS - Asia 1.911
SA - Sud America 33
OC - Oceania 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 13.898
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.674
CN - Cina 1.019
UA - Ucraina 729
SG - Singapore 420
TR - Turchia 411
DE - Germania 406
IT - Italia 322
GB - Regno Unito 257
FI - Finlandia 192
PL - Polonia 160
SE - Svezia 126
BR - Brasile 24
FR - Francia 21
ID - Indonesia 12
IN - India 12
KR - Corea 12
CA - Canada 10
AT - Austria 8
RU - Federazione Russa 8
BD - Bangladesh 5
NL - Olanda 5
VN - Vietnam 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
LT - Lituania 4
AU - Australia 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
CH - Svizzera 3
CL - Cile 3
ES - Italia 3
IE - Irlanda 3
JP - Giappone 3
RO - Romania 3
AR - Argentina 2
BE - Belgio 2
CO - Colombia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IQ - Iraq 2
PT - Portogallo 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TH - Thailandia 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EU - Europa 1
HR - Croazia 1
IR - Iran 1
MX - Messico 1
NO - Norvegia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 13.898
Città #
Woodbridge 1.347
Fairfield 1.184
Houston 903
Jacksonville 864
Chandler 648
Ashburn 551
Santa Clara 507
Ann Arbor 468
Seattle 435
Wilmington 395
Cambridge 341
Singapore 323
Izmir 301
Nanjing 252
Addison 219
Princeton 184
Warsaw 158
Beijing 154
Ferrara 134
Boardman 117
San Diego 108
Shenyang 75
Nanchang 69
Hebei 65
Shanghai 52
Changsha 45
Jiaxing 43
Tianjin 42
Bremen 40
Jinan 38
Helsinki 35
Milan 34
Los Angeles 33
Norwalk 28
New York 27
Redwood City 26
London 23
Zhengzhou 22
Mountain View 21
Indiana 20
Ningbo 20
Falkenstein 19
Hangzhou 18
Orange 17
Auburn Hills 15
San Mateo 15
Falls Church 14
Guangzhou 14
Kunming 14
Munich 14
Bologna 12
Jakarta 12
Frankfurt am Main 11
Des Moines 10
Taizhou 10
Tappahannock 10
La Jolla 8
Treviso 8
Verona 8
Lanzhou 7
Redmond 7
Darien 6
Changchun 5
Downers Grove 5
San Francisco 5
Toronto 5
Chicago 4
Dong Ket 4
Philadelphia 4
Walnut 4
Amsterdam 3
Ariano nel Polesine 3
Catania 3
Delhi 3
Edinburgh 3
Fuzhou 3
Giussano 3
Haikou 3
Hounslow 3
Kilburn 3
Leawood 3
Mordano 3
New Bedfont 3
Ottawa 3
Andover 2
Baghdad 2
Boulder 2
Budapest 2
Cork 2
Evanston 2
Fort Collins 2
Harbin 2
Jülich 2
Kassel 2
Milton Keynes 2
Mumbai 2
Pescantina 2
San Pedro de Jujuy 2
Shenzhen 2
Strasbourg 2
Totale 10.710
Nome #
Asymmetry of spin wave dispersions in a hexagonal magnonic crystal 313
Angle-resolved spin wave band diagrams of square antidot lattices studied by Brillouin light scattering 172
null 139
Calculation of high-frequency permeability of magnonic metamaterials beyond the macrospin approximation 130
Antiferromagnetic coupling in perpendicularly magnetized Ni/Cu/Ni epitaxial trilayers 126
Spin-wave dynamics in permalloy/cobalt magnonic crystals in the presence of a nonmagnetic spacer 125
Magnetic normal modes of bicomponent permalloy/cobalt structures in the parallel and antiparallel ground state 124
Effective quantities and effective rules in two-dimensional ferromagnetic antidot lattices 122
Brillouin-scattering determination of the elastic constants of epitaxial fcc C60 film 120
Stokes anti-Stokes peak intensity interchange across a first-order phase transition 118
Macrospin reversals and spin wave softening in isolated nodes of Kagome-like structures: statics and ‎dynamics‎ 116
Mutual influence between macrospin reversal order and spin-wave dynamics in isolated artificial spin-ice vertices 116
Bandwidth broadening and asymmetric softening of collective spin waves in magnonic crystals 115
Angular-dependent spin dynamics of a triad of permalloy macrospins 115
Soft spin waves and magnetization reversal in elliptical permalloy nanodots: Experiments and dynamical matrix results 114
Theory of Brillouin cross section for scattering from magnetic multilayers: second order magneto-optic effect in Ni/Cu bilayers and trilayers 113
Band structure of collective modes and effective properties of binary magnonic crystals 112
Brillouin light scattering study of an exchange coupled asymmetric trilayer of Fe/Cr 111
Interlayer exchange coupling in asymmetric Fe(110)/Cu/Fe(110) thin films studied by Brillouin light scattering 111
Elastic and elasto-optic properties of thin films of poly(styrene) spin coated onto Si(001) 110
Spin wave band structure in two-dimensional magnonic crystals 110
Bandwidth variation of collective spin waves at the edge of magnetic transitions‎ 110
Antiresonant behavior of light cross section in mode crossing of spin waves in magnetic films 109
Comment on "Mapping of localized spin-wave excitations by near-field Brillouin light scattering" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 152502 (2010)] 109
Excitation of magnetic normal modes by spin-torque: a Lagrangian approach 109
Light-scattering observation of surface acoustic modes in high-order Brillouin zones of a Si(001) grating 109
Dual band magnonic crystals: Model system and basic spin wave dynamics 107
Brillouin light scattering study of ferromagnetically coupled Cu/Fe(110)/Cu/Fe(110)/Cu/Si(111) heterostructures: bilinear exchange magnetic coupling 107
Experimental Evidence of Field-Induced Localization of Spin Excitations in NiFe Elliptical Rings by Micro-Focused Brillouin Light Scattering 107
Magnetic normal modes in ferromagnetic nanoparticles: A dynamical matrix approach 105
Coupled macrospins: Mode dynamics in symmetric and asymmetric vertices 105
Dynamic origin of first and second order phase transitions in magnetization reversal of elliptical nanodots 104
Design and basic Spin Wave dynamics of a Dual Band Magnonic Crystal 104
Localization of the surface acoustic longitudinal pseudomode of silicon in a buried SiO2 layer 103
Elastic properties of GaSe films epitaxially grown on the Si(111) 1x1-H surface, studied by Brillouin scattering 103
Splitting of spin excitations in nanometric rings induced by a magnetic field 103
Light scattering characterization of metallic single films and multilayers 102
Effect of interdot coupling on spin wave modes in nanoparticle arrays 102
Spin Modes in Elliptical Nanorings in the Vortex State: Two-Dimensional Mapping by Micro-Focused Brillouin Light Scattering 102
Brillouin scattering study of the pseudo surface acoustic mode on the (110) face of cubic crystals having elastic anisotropy ratio above unity 101
Spin mode calculations in nanometric magnetic rings: Localization effects in the vortex and saturated states 101
Stokes anti-Stokes Brillouin intensity asymmetry of spin-wave modes in ferromagnetic films and multilayers 101
Spin dynamics in thin nanometric elliptical Permalloy dots: a Brillouin light scattering investigation as a function of dot eccentricity 100
Light-scattering study of the localization of longitudinal acoustic pseudomodes in a buried silica layer 99
Theory of Brillouin scattering from corrugated surfaces 99
Rayleigh acoustic mode in aluminum nitride films 99
Erratum: “Vortex mode dynamics and bandwidth tunability in a twodimensional array of interacting magnetic disks” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 182406 (2012)] 99
Theory of the elasto-optic coupling for surface Brillouin scattering in a supported bilayer 97
Surface acoustic wave channel waveguides by AlN films 96
null 95
Magnetic normal modes in nanoparticles‎ 95
null 95
Dispersion relations of acoustic phonons on a corrugated surface 95
Brillouin scattering cross section in Fe(110)/Cu(111)/Fe(110) asymmetric bilayers 94
Magnetic normal modes in nano-particles 94
null 94
Surface acoustic modes in InSe and GaSe lamellar films 93
null 93
Dynamic origin of segment magnetization reversal in thin-film Penrose tilings 93
Selective determination of the C11 elastic constant in unsupported Ag/Ni superlattices by Brillouin scattering 92
null 92
Spin excitations of nanometric cylindrical dots in vortex and saturated magnetic states 92
null 92
null 91
Brillouin light scattering study of exchange-coupled Fe/Co magnetic multilayers 91
Soft spin modes and magnetic transitions in trilayered nanodisks in the vortex state 90
Exchange coupling in symmetric Co/Cr/Co trilayer: a Brillouin light scattering study 90
null 90
Theory of Brillouin scattering from a periodically corrugated surface of an opaque solid 87
Spin wave dispersion and intensity correlation in width-modulated nanowire arrays: A Brillouin light scattering study 87
null 85
null 85
Brillouin scattering by pseudosurface acoustic modes on (1-11) GaAs 83
null 83
null 83
null 82
Erratum: Splitting of Spin Excitations in Nanometric Rings Induced by a Magnetic Field [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 247203 (2006)] 81
Band structure of a two-dimensional ferromagnetic antidot lattice 81
null 80
null 78
null 78
Perpendicularly Magnetized Antidot Lattice as a Two-Dimensional Magnonic Metamaterial - Presentazione poster by R. Zivieri - Conferenza internazionale 78
Second order magneto optic effect in Brillouin scattering from spin waves in magnetic multilayers 76
null 76
Metamaterial description of perpendicularly magnetized 2D antidot lattices - Presentazione poster 76
Angular Band Diagrams for Multidirectional Spin Wave Propagation in Square Antidot Lattices‎ 76
Soft spin waves triggering macrospin reversals in isolated nodes of Kagome-like networks 76
Thickness dependence of spin wave dynamics in three-fold nano-ellipse clusters 76
Spin wave propagation properties across configurational antiferro/ferro-magnetic transitions 75
Brillouin light scattering study of an exchange coupled asymmetric trilayer of Fe/Cr -- Presentazione poster by R. Zivieri - Conferenza internazionale 74
Band gaps in 1D "magnonic" crystals: a micromagnetic study -- Presentazione orale by R. Zivieri - Conferenza internazionale 72
Propagating collective modes in a 2D magnonic crystal consisting of interacting cylindrical dots 72
Brillouin light scattering study of an exchange coupled asymmetric trilayer of Fe/Cr -- Presentazione poster by R. Zivieri - Conferenza internazionale 72
Brillouin scattering from corrugated surfaces 72
Collective dynamics in chains of rectangular dots -- Presentazione poster by R. Zivieri - Conferenza internazionale 71
Magnetic normal modes in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic state bi-component periodic systems - Presentazione poster - Conferenza internazionale 71
Dynamical properties of 2D ferromagnetic antidot lattices - Presentazione orale 71
Band structure and properties of vortex modes in a 2-D magnonic crystal‎ 71
Effective Properties of a Binary Magnonic Crystal - Presentazione poster by R. Zivieri 70
Spin excitations in nanometric magnetic dots: light scattering measurements and spin modes calculations 69
Totale 9.852
Categoria #
all - tutte 65.754
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.719
Totale 68.473

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.277 0 0 0 0 0 0 208 287 242 305 172 63
2020/20211.899 178 158 90 231 98 196 38 250 46 267 241 106
2021/20221.487 37 160 98 44 52 77 48 77 44 131 134 585
2022/20231.548 189 32 45 186 279 233 38 175 232 15 79 45
2023/2024583 88 107 32 20 39 33 18 44 22 8 17 155
2024/20251.129 76 75 249 24 464 233 8 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.096