Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, farmaceutiche ed agrarie
Adsorption and degradation mechanisms of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on Ag-exchanged FAU-type zeolite studied by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis/isotope ratio mass spectrometry
file con accesso da definire2021 Mancinelli, M.; Gigli, L.; Ardit, M.; Plaisier, J. R.; Bianchini, G.; Salani, G.; Martucci, Annalisa
Ag-exchanged FAU-type zeolite for the removal of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from water: a combined in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis/isotope ratio mass spectrometry study
file con accesso da definire2021 Mancinelli, M.; Gigli, L.; Ardit, M.; Plaisier, J. R.; Bianchini, G.; Salani, G.; Martucci, Annalisa
file con accesso da definire2023 Paliaga, Sara; Armando Laudicina, Vito; Badalucco, Luigi; Francesca Chillura Martino, Delia; Concetta Ciaramitaro, Veronica; Salani, GIAN MARCO; Stazi, Silvia Rita; Allevato, Enrica; Vinciguerra, Vittorio
Carbon dynamics in the chestnut forests of Lazio (Central Italy): insights from the critical zone
2023 Salani, G. M.; Allevato, E.; Carbone, F.; Stazi, S. R.
Carbon Soil Mapping in a Sustainable-Managed Farm in Northeast Italy: Geochemical and Geophysical Applications
2024 Salani, G. M.; Rizzo, E.; Brombin, V.; Fornasari, G.; Sobbe, A.; Bianchini, G
Carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur isotope analysis of the Padanian Plain sediments: Backgrounds and provenance indication of the alluvial components
2021 Salani, G. M.; Brombin, V.; Natali, C.; Bianchini, G.
Chemical characterisation of construction and demolition waste in Skopje city and its surroundings (Republic of Macedonia)
2020 Bianchini, G.; Ristovski, I.; Milcov, I.; Zupac, A.; Natali, C.; Salani, G. M.; Marchina, C.; Brombin, V.; Ferraboschi, A.
Geochemical features of distinct depositional facies in coastal/deltaic setting of the Padanian plain (Northern Italy): insights on carbon dynamics and selective metal accumulation
file con accesso da definire2018 Natali, C.; Bianchini, G.; Vittori Antisari, L.; Marzano, N.; Salani, GIAN MARCO; Tessari, U.
Geochemical investigation of the soil organic carbon and evaluation of its depletion: the case study of Ferrara province (Northern Italy)
2023 Salani, GIAN MARCO
High temperature behaviour of Ag-exchanged Y zeolites used for PFAS sequestration from water
file con accesso da definire2023 Mancinelli, Maura; Martucci, Annalisa; Salani, Gian Marco; Bianchini, Gianluca; Gigli, Lara; Plaisier, Jasper Rikkert; Colombo, Francesco
Influence of agrophotovoltaic system on soil quality parameters
file con accesso da definire2023 Ianiri, Maria; Allevato, Enrica; Quintarelli, Valentina; Salani, GIAN MARCO; Stazi, Silvia Rita
Land use effects on soil characteristics in Fiuggi basin ecosystem
2023 Allevato, E.; Marabottini, R.; Carbone, F.; Vinciguerra, V.; Salani, G.; Bianchini, G.; Stazi, S. R.
Late Glacial and Holocene buried black soils in Emilia (northern Italy): genetic and paleoenvironmental insights
2022 Bianchini, G.; Accorsi, C. A.; Cremonini, S.; De Feudis, M.; Forlani, L.; Salani, G. M.; Vianello, G.; Vittori Antisari, L.
Origin of fluoride and arsenic in the Main Ethiopian Rift waters
2020 Bianchini, G.; Brombin, V.; Marchina, C; Natali, C.; Godebo, T. R.; Rasini, A.; Salani, G. M.
Peat Soil Burning in the Mezzano Lowland (Po Plain, Italy): Triggering Mechanisms and Environmental Consequences
2021 Natali, C.; Bianchini, G.; Cremonini, S.; Salani, G. M.; Vianello, G.; Brombin, V.; Ferrari, M.; Vittori Antisari, L.
Soil carbon (elemental and isotopic) fingerprints of chestnut-managed land: the case study of Lazio region (Central Italy)
file con accesso da definire2023 Salani, GIAN MARCO; Allevato, Enrica; Carbone, Francesco; Stazi, Silvia Rita
Soil carbon Investigation in three pedoclimatic and agronomic settings of Northern Italy
2020 Brombin, V.; Mistri, E.; De Feudis, M.; Forti, C.; Salani, G. M.; Natali, C.; Falsone, G.; Vittori Antisari, L.; Bianchini, G.
Soil organic carbon data comparison after 85 years and new 13C/12C compositions: The case study of the Ferrara province (Northeastern Italy)
2024 Salani, GIAN MARCO; Bianchini, Gianluca; Brombin, Valentina; Natali, Claudio
Soil Organic Carbon Depletion in Managed Temperate Forests: Two Case Studies from the Apennine Chain in the Emilia-Romagna Region (Northern Italy)
2023 Brombin, V.; Salani, G. M.; De Feudis, M.; Mistri, E.; Precisvalle, N.; Bianchini, G.
Soil Organic Carbon Estimation in Ferrara (Northern Italy) Combining In Situ Geochemical Analyses and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
2023 Salani, G. M.; Lissoni, M.; Bianchini, G.; Brombin, V.; Natali, S.; Natali, C.