Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.677
EU - Europa 3.294
AS - Asia 2.493
OC - Oceania 26
AF - Africa 17
SA - Sud America 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
Totale 15.533
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.646
CN - Cina 1.380
UA - Ucraina 826
IT - Italia 659
SG - Singapore 507
TR - Turchia 474
DE - Germania 394
SE - Svezia 384
GB - Regno Unito 339
PL - Polonia 217
FI - Finlandia 190
FR - Francia 68
ID - Indonesia 47
BE - Belgio 42
IE - Irlanda 37
CA - Canada 26
NL - Olanda 25
AU - Australia 22
CH - Svizzera 19
RO - Romania 18
ES - Italia 15
RU - Federazione Russa 15
IN - India 14
JP - Giappone 14
IR - Iran 12
KR - Corea 11
HK - Hong Kong 9
LT - Lituania 9
AT - Austria 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
EU - Europa 8
ZA - Sudafrica 8
BR - Brasile 7
PH - Filippine 6
VN - Vietnam 6
GR - Grecia 5
MA - Marocco 5
AR - Argentina 4
NA - Namibia 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
CL - Cile 3
DK - Danimarca 3
HU - Ungheria 3
MX - Messico 3
PK - Pakistan 3
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 3
IS - Islanda 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
NO - Norvegia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
HN - Honduras 1
JO - Giordania 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MY - Malesia 1
PA - Panama 1
PT - Portogallo 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 15.533
Città #
Woodbridge 1.227
Jacksonville 950
Chandler 905
Fairfield 808
Houston 738
Ann Arbor 616
Ashburn 454
Santa Clara 439
Singapore 387
Izmir 364
Wilmington 357
Seattle 327
Nanjing 310
Cambridge 269
Beijing 261
Princeton 233
Warsaw 215
Ferrara 190
Boardman 170
Addison 128
Shenyang 100
Nanchang 94
Hebei 78
San Diego 76
Los Angeles 65
Shanghai 64
Tianjin 60
Changsha 55
Jiaxing 54
San Mateo 52
Menlo Park 51
Milan 48
Jakarta 47
Brussels 40
Dearborn 39
Wuhan 36
Falls Church 29
Helsinki 29
Jinan 29
Zhengzhou 29
New York 28
Kunming 27
Philadelphia 27
Redwood City 25
Chengdu 23
Auburn Hills 22
Hangzhou 22
Norwalk 22
Verona 20
Padova 19
Buffalo 18
Rome 18
London 17
Des Moines 16
Ningbo 16
Guangzhou 15
Washington 14
Grenoble 13
Parma 13
Timisoara 13
Bologna 12
Phoenix 12
Trieste 12
Mountain View 11
Zurich 11
Ferrara di Monte Baldo 10
Leawood 10
Orange 10
Abano Terme 9
Cencenighe 9
Haikou 9
Pombia 9
Vercelli 9
Changchun 8
Chicago 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Montréal 8
Munich 8
Palermo 8
Taizhou 8
Toronto 8
Brno 7
Dublin 7
Madrid 7
Mcallen 7
Redmond 7
Seoul 7
Shenzhen 7
Turin 7
Utrecht 7
Lanzhou 6
Naples 6
Rosendaal 6
Sydney 6
Tappahannock 6
Tokyo 6
Castano Primo 5
Fuzhou 5
Indiana 5
Rancho Cucamonga 5
Totale 11.127
Nome #
New Finding of Andradite (Demantoid Variety) from the Mine of Sa Spinarbedda, Domus De Maria (Cagliari): Mineralogical Characterization and Spectroscopy Analysis 216
Intraplate magmatism at a convergent plate boundary: The case of the Cenozoic northern Adria magmatism 214
Constraints on Composition, Structure and Evolution of the Lithosphere 187
The alkaline lamprophyres of the Dolomitic Area (Southern Alps, Italy): markers of the Late Triassic change from orogenic-like to anorogenic magmatism 187
Genesi dell’anfibolo negli xenoliti di mantello del Monte Melbourne, Antartide. 178
An insight into the first stages of the Ferrar magmatism: ultramafic cumulates from Harrow Peaks, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica 175
Amphibole genesis via metasomatic reaction with clinopyroxene in mantle xenoliths from Victoria Land, Antarctica 145
Phengite megacryst quasi-exsolving phlogopite, from Sulu ultra-high pressure metamorphic terrane, Qinglongshan, Donghai County (eastern China): New data for P-T-X conditions during exhumation 141
Refertilized mantle keel below the Southern Alps domain (North-East Italy): Evidence from Marosticano refractory mantle peridotites 139
Mass balance vs Rietveld refinement to determine the modal composition of ultramafic rocks: The case study of mantle peridotites from Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) 138
Petrogenesis and geodynamic control of intraplate Cenozoic volcanism in Italy 137
Metasomatism versus host magma infiltration: a case study of Sal mantle xenoliths, Cape Verde Archipelago 134
The preservation of the Agoudal impact crater, Morocco, under a landslide: Indication of a genetic link between shatter cones and meteorite fragments 127
Role of percolating melts in Antarctic subcontinental lithospheric mantle: New insights from Handler Ridge mantle xenoliths (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) 127
The evolution of the mantle source beneath Mt. Etna (Sicily, Italy): from the 600 ka tholeiites to the recent trachybasaltic magmas 125
Lower mantle hydrogen partitioning between periclase and perovskite: a quantum chemical modelling 124
Palaeozoic subduction-related and kimberlite or carbonatite metasomatism in the Scottish lithospheric mantle. 122
Intraplate lithospheric and sublithospheric components in the Adriatic domain: Nephelinite to tholeiite magma generation in the Paleogene Veneto volcanic province, southern Alps 120
Oxo-amphiboles in mantle xenoliths: evidence for H2O-rich melt interacting with the lithospheric mantle of Harrow Peaks (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) 118
Mantle xenoliths from Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica; evidence for heterogeneous lithospheric metasomatism 117
Crystal-chemistry of amphiboles: implications for oxygen fugacity and water activity in lithospheric mantle beneath Victoria Land, Antarctica. 116
Amphiboles from suprasubduction and intraplate lithospheric mantle 115
Aluminium distribution in an Earth’s non–primitive lower mantle 114
null 111
Mantle xenoliths from Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: evidence for heterogeneous lithospheric metasomatism 110
Glasses in mantle xenoliths as geochemical indicators of metasomatic agents 110
null 110
Oceanic Material recycled within the Subpatagonian Lithospheric Mantle (Cerro del Fraile, Argentina). 110
Archean to Proterozoic depletion in Cape Verde lithospheric mantle. 110
Petrological evolution of the European lithospheric mantle: From Archean to present day 109
Pervasive, tholeiitic refertilisation and heterogeneous metasomatism in Northern Victoria Land lithospheric mantle (Antarctica) 108
Slab melt and intraplate metasomatism in Kapfenstein mantle xenoliths (Styrian Basin, Austria) 107
Characterization of colorless topaz samples from Minas Gerais (Brazil) and Gilgit- Baltistan (Pakistan): a multi technical approach to highlight the different chemical and structural features 107
Mantle metasomatism by melts of HIMU piclogite components: New insights from Fe-lherzolite xenoliths (Calatrava Volcanic District, central Spain) 105
Kimberlite-like metasomatism and "garnet signature" in spinel-peridotite xenoliths from Sal, Cape Verde Archipelago: relics of a subcontinental mantle domain within the Atlantic oceanic lithosphere? 105
The lithospheric mantle and lower crust-mantle relationships under Scotland: a xenolithic perspective 104
Oceanic Material Recycled within the Sub-Patagonian Lithospheric Mantle (Cerro del Fraile, Argentina) 104
Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of topaz: a comparison between Brasilian and Pakistan stones 104
null 104
Metasomatism in intraplate and suprasubduction lithospheric mantle. 103
Plagioclase as Archive of Magma Ascent Dynamics on “Open Conduit” Volcanoes: the 2001-2006 Eruptive Period at Mt. Etna 103
The role of eclogite in the rift-related metasomatism and Cenozoic magmatism of Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica 101
Water contents of pyroxenes in intraplate lithospheric mantle 101
Evidence of diverse depletion and metasomatic events in harzburgite-lherzolite mantle xenoliths from the Iberian plate (Olot, NE Spain): Implications for lithosphere accretionary processes 101
Water contents in pyroxenes of intraplate lithospheric mantle 101
Numerical modelling for peridotite phase melting trends in the SiO2-Al2O3-FeO-MgO-CaO system at 2 GPa 100
Within-plate Cenozoic volcanism and mantle sources in the Western Central Mediterranean Region 99
Fe-periclase reactivity at Earth's lower mantle conditions: Ab-initio geochemical modelling 97
The nature of the West Antarctic Rift System as revealed by noble gases in mantle minerals 93
Subduction and continental crust recycling -petrological evidence in Mantle xenoliths from the Betic area (Spain) 92
Garnet-spinel subsolidus re-equilibration and K-metasomatism in Cape Verde lithospheric mantle. 90
Fragments of asthenosphere incorporated in the lithospheric mantle underneath the Subei Basin, eastern China: Constraints from geothermobarometric results and water contents of peridotite xenoliths in Cenozoic basalts 89
Mantle xenoliths from subduction zones: chemical features and metasomatic processes 88
Carbonatite metasomatism of the oceanic upper mantle: Evidence from clinopyroxenes and glasses in ultramafic xenoliths of Grande Comore, Indian Ocean 88
A shoshonitic multi-pulse intrusion in the Southern Alps domain (NE Italy): the Predazzo Intrusive Complex (PIC) 88
null 87
Intrusion of shoshonitic magmas at shallow crustal depth: T–P path, H2O estimates, and AFC modeling of the Middle Triassic Predazzo Intrusive Complex (Southern Alps, Italy) 87
Petrology of mantle xenoliths and water determination in NAMs from Subei basin (central-eastern China) 86
Disseminated and vein amphiboles in Kapfenstein lithospheric mantle (Austria). 86
Mt. Etna vs. Hyblean Plateau: modelling the mantle source beneath SE Sicily 84
Depletion events, nature of metasomatizing agent and timing of enrichment processes in lithospheric mantle xenoliths from the Veneto Volcanic Province 83
Compositional variations of clinopyroxenes in mantle xenoliths as indicators of partial melting and metasomatic processes. 82
Ultra-refractory domains in the oceanic mantle lithosphere sampled as mantle xenoliths at ocean islands 81
Metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle and its relationships to magmatism in the Veneto Volcanic Province. 80
Local geology relevant for Geoneutrinos 80
Clinopyroxene as a key to understand the evolution of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle 80
Geochemistry of noble gases and CO2 in fluid inclusions from lithospheric mantle beneath Wilcza Góra (Lower Silesia, southwest Poland) 79
Amphiboles in mantle xenoliths from anorogenic and orogenic settings. Evidence bearings on different style of metasomatism and implication for Nb and Ti anomalies in calk-alkaline magmas. 78
Mantle Xenoliths From The Iberian Peninsula ¿ 20 Years Later. 76
Enrichment processes in garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths from Kimberley pipes (South Africa) 76
Slab melt metasomatism as recorded in cpx and opx in mantle xenoliths from Cerro del Fraile (Argentina) 76
Amphibole genesis and adakite metasomatism in mantle xenoliths from Kapfenstein (Styria Basin, Austria). 76
Mantle xenoliths from Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: evidence for heterogeneous lithospheric mantle. 76
Mantle xenoliths from Marosticano area (Northern Italy): a comparison with Veneto Volcanic Province lithospheric mantle 76
New data on the Vigarano chondrite 76
Composition of clinopyroxenes from mantle xenoliths as indicator of lithospheric evolution. 75
Different lithospheric domains in the antarctic lithspheric mantle of Northern Victoria Land. 75
Glasses in mantle xenoliths: a tool for understanding mantle processes. 74
Tectonic settings and water distribution in mantle pyroxenes 74
Petrogenesis and T-f02 estimates of Mt Monzoni complex (Central Dolomites, Southern Alps): a Triassic shoshonitic intrusion in a transcurrent geodynamic setting 74
Mantle xenoliths from Marosticano area (Northern Italy): a comparison with Veneto Volcanic Province lithospheric mantle 74
Metasomatic processes in Antarctic lithospheric mantle (Mt.Melbourne, Victoria land). 73
The "hidden" craton in the Adria plate: evidence from geochemistry and Re-Os of mantle xenoliths from Veneto Volcanic Province (North-East Italy) 73
Within-plate cenozoic volcanism and mantle sources within the western-central mediterranean area. 71
Amphiboles from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle of the Northern Victoria Land (Antartica): implications for the water activity and metasomatism. 71
Cratonic signature and CO2-rich mtasomatism: new insights from Veneto Volcanic Province mantle xenoliths 71
The quest for a primary mantle composition, evolutionary constraints and geochemical modelling. 69
Garnet signature in clinopyroxenes from fertile spinel-bearing lherzolite of Cape Verde Archipelago, Atlantic Ocean. 69
Melts migrating through the mantle wedge: evidences from Patagonian and Western Pacific mantle xenoliths 69
Deep lithosphere processes recorded for the West Antarctic Rift System 68
Amphiboles from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle of the Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica): implications for the water activity and metasomatism 68
Metasomatic enrichment recorded by clinopyroxenes from the Northen Highlands. 68
Orthopyroxene refertilization in subduction environment 68
Pre-Mesozoic Lithospheric Mantle Beneath Scotland Terrains. 67
Heterogeneity in the oceanic lithosphere as evidenced by mantle xenoliths from Sal island (Cape Verde Archipelago) 67
null 67
The role of percolating melts in the Northern Victoria Land lithospheric mantle (Antarctica) 67
Petrological characterization of mantle xenoliths from Handler Ridge, Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) 67
Zr-enriched clinopyroxenes from Cerro del Fraile mantle xenoliths (Southern Patagonia). 66
Petrological features of anhydrous and hydrous mantle xenoliths from Harrow Peaks, Antarctica 66
Totale 9.924
Categoria #
all - tutte 72.842
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.571
Totale 75.413

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.588 0 0 0 0 123 291 176 251 167 342 197 41
2020/20212.412 193 251 147 310 70 267 156 251 56 291 293 127
2021/20221.935 110 237 124 170 62 64 59 92 53 153 189 622
2022/20232.058 243 124 66 230 345 321 23 195 267 19 143 82
2023/2024926 92 125 40 34 78 81 28 86 14 49 38 261
2024/20251.155 109 101 362 74 509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.847