ABSTRACT With the term "Accountability" it is meant to indicate the "duty to account", the process by which a subject recognizes his actions and assumes responsibility. Therefore, it is not merely the attribution and acceptance of the responsibility of the actions, but also the demonstration and verification of the manner in which this responsibility has been handled. This definition allows the distinction of two key subjects: the one who has to report his actions and the one who exercises the right to know the facts, how they have been done and what effects they produced. Consequently, Accountability is based on the establishment of a relationship between the decision-maker and those concerned with decisions. In a corporate economic outlook, therefore, Accountability concerns both the functions of governance and the functions of reporting on management actions, generally affecting corporate governance. It is clear that in this context, the corporate governance issue gains particular importance: awareness, responsibility and information are peculiar elements of governance with reference both to the interest of managers and owners both in terms of relevance of their direct involvement, necessary to ensuring the significance and effectiveness of accountability. Consequently, there is a constant evolution of corporate governance legislation, aimed at correcting potential conflicts, in order to ensure an adequate and efficient regulation of the interaction and coordination arrangements between governance and management in a perspective of fairness, transparency and value creation for all stakeholders. Globally, these issues have encouraged, recently, a widespread use of best practices combined with regulatory interventions regarding the corporate auditing system, with a progressive improvement of existing control schemes to meet new needs, new actors and new roles that appeared. Regulations designed to instill in corporate culture the centrality of accountability, in order to control the activities themselves and to carry out the tasks by promoting values such as integrity and ethics. This commitment of informing and involving interested parties requires a flow of communication that allows the transmission of consistent and relevant information through appropriate channels. Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure plays a key role, providing transparent and reliable information considered important for the legitimacy of businesses. This paper contains the main contributions made in the above-mentioned search addresses, trying to answer some questions, including: What moral values are driving the actions of the leading companies in the food business? Is there a particular language for such elements? What extent are Italian companies using CSRD and how has it evolved qualitatively and quantitatively in a time perspective? What are the characteristics of voluntary social reporting? Is there a relationship between industry, size, business profitability and CSRD choices? Are there standards of a global reach that can give the uniformity to the many available tools for social responsibility and sustainability?
ABSTRACT Con il termine “Accountability” si vuole indicare il “dovere di rendere conto”, ossia il processo tramite il quale un soggetto rende conto delle proprie azioni e se ne assume la responsabilità. Non si compone, dunque, solo dell’attribuzione e dell’accettazione della responsabilità delle azioni, ma anche della dimostrazione e della verifica del modo in cui tale responsabilità è stata gestita. Questa definizione permette la distinzione di due soggetti chiave: colui che deve rendicontare le proprie azioni e colui che esercita il diritto di conoscere i fatti, come sono stati svolti e quali effetti hanno prodotto. Ne consegue che l’Accountability si fonda sull’instaurazione di una relazione fra il decisore e i soggetti che sono interessati alle decisioni. In una prospettiva economico aziendale l’Accountability interessa, quindi, le funzioni finalizzate sia a governare, sia a informare e rendicontare sulle azioni manageriali impattando, in generale, sulle modalità di governo aziendale. È chiaro che, in questo contesto, il tema del governo aziendale assume una rilevanza particolare: consapevolezza, responsabilità e informazioni sono elementi peculiari degli organi di governance con riferimento sia all’interesse di amministratori e proprietari, sia alla rilevanza e alla portata del loro diretto coinvolgimento, elemento indispensabile per garantire significatività e efficacia della stessa accountability. Ne consegue una costante evoluzione della normativa in materia di corporate governance, mirata alla correzione di potenziali conflitti, a presidio di un’adeguata ed efficiente regolamentazione delle modalità di interazione e coordinamento tra gli organi di governo ed il management, in una prospettiva di correttezza, trasparenza e creazione di valore per tutti gli stakeholders. A livello globale, queste problematiche hanno favorito, in particolare negli ultimi anni, una larga diffusione dei best practices combinate ad interventi normativi inerenti al sistema dei controlli societari, con un progressivo perfezionamento degli schemi di controllo esistenti allo scopo di adeguarsi alle nuove esigenze, ai nuovi attori ed ai nuovi ruoli che man mano venivano presentandosi. Normative volte ad infondere nella cultura aziendale la centralità dell’accountability, per tutti i livelli e tutte le unità organizzative, chiamate a controllare esse stesse le attività e lo svolgimento dei compiti a loro affidati, promuovendo valori come l’integrità e l’etica. Questo impegno di informare e coinvolgere le parti interessate richiede un flusso di comunicazione che permetta la trasmissione di informazioni coerenti e rilevanti attraverso dei canali adeguati. In questo la Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure svolge un ruolo fondamentale, garantendo informazioni trasparenti e affidabili che sono considerate importanti per la legittimità delle imprese. Il presente elaborato racchiude i principali contributi realizzati negli indirizzi di ricerca appena sopra delineati, cercando di dare delle risposte ad alcune domande, tra le quali: Che valori morali guidano le azioni delle principali compagnie operanti nel settore alimentare? Esiste per tali elementi un linguaggio particolare? In che misura le aziende italiane ricorrono alla CSRD e come è evoluta qualitativamente e quantitativamente in una prospettiva temporale? Quali sono le caratteristiche della rendicontazione sociale volontaria? Esiste una relazione tra settore, dimensione, redditività aziendali e le scelte di CSRD? Vi sono degli standard di portata globale che possano dare uniformità ai molteplici strumenti disponibili in materia di responsabilità sociale e di sostenibilità?
Voluntary Disclosure e strumenti di Accountability Alcune evidenze empiriche
ABSTRACT With the term "Accountability" it is meant to indicate the "duty to account", the process by which a subject recognizes his actions and assumes responsibility. Therefore, it is not merely the attribution and acceptance of the responsibility of the actions, but also the demonstration and verification of the manner in which this responsibility has been handled. This definition allows the distinction of two key subjects: the one who has to report his actions and the one who exercises the right to know the facts, how they have been done and what effects they produced. Consequently, Accountability is based on the establishment of a relationship between the decision-maker and those concerned with decisions. In a corporate economic outlook, therefore, Accountability concerns both the functions of governance and the functions of reporting on management actions, generally affecting corporate governance. It is clear that in this context, the corporate governance issue gains particular importance: awareness, responsibility and information are peculiar elements of governance with reference both to the interest of managers and owners both in terms of relevance of their direct involvement, necessary to ensuring the significance and effectiveness of accountability. Consequently, there is a constant evolution of corporate governance legislation, aimed at correcting potential conflicts, in order to ensure an adequate and efficient regulation of the interaction and coordination arrangements between governance and management in a perspective of fairness, transparency and value creation for all stakeholders. Globally, these issues have encouraged, recently, a widespread use of best practices combined with regulatory interventions regarding the corporate auditing system, with a progressive improvement of existing control schemes to meet new needs, new actors and new roles that appeared. Regulations designed to instill in corporate culture the centrality of accountability, in order to control the activities themselves and to carry out the tasks by promoting values such as integrity and ethics. This commitment of informing and involving interested parties requires a flow of communication that allows the transmission of consistent and relevant information through appropriate channels. Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure plays a key role, providing transparent and reliable information considered important for the legitimacy of businesses. This paper contains the main contributions made in the above-mentioned search addresses, trying to answer some questions, including: What moral values are driving the actions of the leading companies in the food business? Is there a particular language for such elements? What extent are Italian companies using CSRD and how has it evolved qualitatively and quantitatively in a time perspective? What are the characteristics of voluntary social reporting? Is there a relationship between industry, size, business profitability and CSRD choices? Are there standards of a global reach that can give the uniformity to the many available tools for social responsibility and sustainability?File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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