This work presents the analysis of the backed artifacts selected from the lithic assemblages of three sites framed in the final Middle Paleolithic (MIS 3): - The G-Complex of Sesselfelsgrotte (Lower Bavaria), characterized by the coexistence of the Micoquian (Keilmessergruppe) and the Mousterian cultural traditions; the study was applied on a selection of bifacial (keilmesser) and unifacial (scrapers and unretouched flakes) backed tools. - The A9 and A10-A11 layers of Grotta di Fumane (Venetian Prealps), Mousterian assemblages characterized by the alternation between the Levallois and Discoid methods; the study was applied on a selection of the respective backed tools. - Layer 7 of La Rochette shelter (Dordogne), one of the best examples of Mousterian of Acheulean tradition, type B (MTA-B), where retouched backed knives are abundant. We choose to focus the analysis on this broad category of artifacts since we assumed that they can summarize the differences between the respective assemblages. In fact, they represent technological- or cultural-related tools, despite they theoretically respond to the same objective and functional scheme: a knife with an active part designed to cut/transform the material, and an opposite passive part necessary for manipulation. Their different manufacturing processes and own features will be compared to investigate the technological and behavioral variability of late Neanderthals trying to answer the question: “why roughly contemporary human groups manufactured their knives in such different ways?" The used analytical approaches mainly refer to the techno-functional method, capable of providing data on the tools’ manufacturing and functional schemes. The techno-functional method is applied both directly to the lithic artifacts and, when possible, to the 3D models that have been obtained with different acquisition techniques. The use of 3D allows better interaction and the statistical management of precise quantitative and qualitative data. Other approaches have been integrated to investigate particular technical behaviors: among these the use-wear analysis, combined with experimental replication and use, aimed at understanding the functionality and performance of the retouched backed tools. Results and discussions are organized around a series of key macro-topics that have been chosen in order to pursue specific objectives: - Deepening of the relationship between the Micoquian and the Mousterian. It has been possible to raise hypotheses on the techno-functional and ecological value of bifacial backed knives, a highly potential and versatile version of unifacial backed tools. They were possibly a techno-functional imitation, however manufactured within constrained ecological and environmental contexts. - Investigation of the Discoid - Levallois dualism, examined through economic and mobility strategies, productivity rates and effectiveness of backed artifacts. The comparison helped to better define the origin of two different technical choices, adopted in similar contexts based on different functional and potential objectives. - Analysis of the retouched backed tools in the Middle Paleolithic and understanding the functionality of the wide range of technical interventions utilized for this purpose. This approach is especially applied to the Fumane Discoid assemblage, while a comparison with MTA-B backed knives confirmed their different nature. The study contributed to define a technical innovation conceived by late Neanderthals, whether it responds to the application of mental models with a possible cultural value (MTA-B backed knives), or to purely functional and ergonomic purposes (Discoid retouched backed tools). In order to validate these models on a general scale, it was necessary to cross the obtained data with the known chronological and ecological framework. Finally, in the appendix, we propose a method to achieve the laterality in the use of backed tools.
In questo elaborato si presenta l’analisi dei manufatti a dorso selezionati dagli insiemi litici di tre contesti della fase finale del Paleolitico Medio (inizio MIS 3): - Il G-Complex di Sesselfelsgrotte (Baviera), caratterizzato dalla coesistenza delle tradizioni tecno-culturali afferenti al Micocchiano (keilmessergruppe) e al Musteriano, con la selezione di strumenti a dorso bifacciali (keilmesser) e unifacciali (raschiatoi e schegge con dorso). - Le unità A9 e A10-A11 di Grotta di Fumane (Prealpi venete), insiemi litici Musteriani contraddistinti dall’alternanza tra i metodi Levallois e Discoide, con la selezione dei rispettivi prodotti a dorso. - Il livello 7 di La Rochette (Dordogna), uno dei migliori esempi di Musteriano di tradizione Acheuleana di tipo B (MTA-B), ricco di coltelli a dorso ritoccato. Si è scelto di incentrare l’analisi su questa ampia categoria di manufatti poiché si ritiene che essi possano riassumere le differenze tecno-culturali degli insiemi in questione, nonostante rispondano in linea teorica ad uno stesso obiettivo e schema funzionale: quello di “coltello” con una parte attiva atta a tagliare/trasformare la materia, e una parte passiva opposta necessaria alla manipolazione. Le loro diverse strategie di fabbricazione e i risultati ottenuti verranno perciò confrontati per indagare la variabilità tecnologica e comportamentale dei gruppi neandertaliani cercando di rispondere alla domanda: “perché diversi gruppi umani contemporanei fabbricavano i propri coltelli in modi così differenti?” Gli approcci analitici adottati si rifanno principalmente al metodo tecno-funzionale, capace di fornire risposte sugli schemi di ottenimento, utilizzo e funzionalità di tali strumenti. Il metodo è applicato sia direttamente ai manufatti che ai modelli 3D ottenuti con diverse tecniche di acquisizione. Il 3D permette una migliore interazione e la gestione statistica di dati quantitativi e qualitativi precisi. Altri approcci sono stati talvolta integrati per approfondire particolari espressioni tecniche: tra questi, l’analisi delle tracce d’uso combinata con attività sperimentale, volta a comprendere funzionalità e prestazioni dei pezzi a dorso ritoccato. Risultati e discussioni sono organizzati attorno ad una serie di macro-argomenti chiave che si sono scelti al fine di cercare di perseguire obiettivi precisi: - Comprensione del rapporto tra Micocchiano e Musteriano, che ha permesso di avanzare ipotesi sul valore tecno-funzionale ed ecologico dei coltelli a dorso bifacciali, versione altamente potenziale e versatile di quelli unifacciali, e fabbricati probabilmente a loro imitazione in contesti vincolanti dal punto di vista ecologico-ambientale. - Indagine del dualismo tecnologico Discoide – Levallois dal punto di vista delle strategie economiche e di mobilità, della produttività dei concetti e dell’efficienza dei prodotti con dorso; il confronto ha contribuito a definire meglio l’origine di due scelte strategiche differenti adottate in contesti similari sula base di obiettivi funzionali e potenziali diversi. - Analisi dei dorsi ritoccati nel Paleolitico Medio e comprensione della funzionalità della ampia gamma di interventi tecnici adottati; Tale approccio è applicato specialmente all’unità Discoide di Fumane, mentre un confronto con i coltelli a dorso MTA-B ha confermato la natura profondamente diversa dei due tipi di strumenti. Si è contribuito a definire un’innovazione tecnica neandertaliana della fine del Paleolitico Medio, sia nel caso risponda a modelli mentali dalla possibile valenza culturale (coltelli MTA-B), o a scopi puramente funzionali ed ergonomici (schegge discoidi). Al fine di validare tali modelli su scala generale è stato necessario incrociare i dati ottenuti con il quadro cronologico ed ecologico noto. Infine, in appendice si propone un metodo per ricavare la lateralità prefereziale nell’utilizzo degli strumenti a dorso.
L’analisi degli strumenti a dorso del Paleolitico Medio come mezzo per indagare le strategie comportamentali e le tradizioni tecnologiche degli ultimi Neanderthal europei
This work presents the analysis of the backed artifacts selected from the lithic assemblages of three sites framed in the final Middle Paleolithic (MIS 3): - The G-Complex of Sesselfelsgrotte (Lower Bavaria), characterized by the coexistence of the Micoquian (Keilmessergruppe) and the Mousterian cultural traditions; the study was applied on a selection of bifacial (keilmesser) and unifacial (scrapers and unretouched flakes) backed tools. - The A9 and A10-A11 layers of Grotta di Fumane (Venetian Prealps), Mousterian assemblages characterized by the alternation between the Levallois and Discoid methods; the study was applied on a selection of the respective backed tools. - Layer 7 of La Rochette shelter (Dordogne), one of the best examples of Mousterian of Acheulean tradition, type B (MTA-B), where retouched backed knives are abundant. We choose to focus the analysis on this broad category of artifacts since we assumed that they can summarize the differences between the respective assemblages. In fact, they represent technological- or cultural-related tools, despite they theoretically respond to the same objective and functional scheme: a knife with an active part designed to cut/transform the material, and an opposite passive part necessary for manipulation. Their different manufacturing processes and own features will be compared to investigate the technological and behavioral variability of late Neanderthals trying to answer the question: “why roughly contemporary human groups manufactured their knives in such different ways?" The used analytical approaches mainly refer to the techno-functional method, capable of providing data on the tools’ manufacturing and functional schemes. The techno-functional method is applied both directly to the lithic artifacts and, when possible, to the 3D models that have been obtained with different acquisition techniques. The use of 3D allows better interaction and the statistical management of precise quantitative and qualitative data. Other approaches have been integrated to investigate particular technical behaviors: among these the use-wear analysis, combined with experimental replication and use, aimed at understanding the functionality and performance of the retouched backed tools. Results and discussions are organized around a series of key macro-topics that have been chosen in order to pursue specific objectives: - Deepening of the relationship between the Micoquian and the Mousterian. It has been possible to raise hypotheses on the techno-functional and ecological value of bifacial backed knives, a highly potential and versatile version of unifacial backed tools. They were possibly a techno-functional imitation, however manufactured within constrained ecological and environmental contexts. - Investigation of the Discoid - Levallois dualism, examined through economic and mobility strategies, productivity rates and effectiveness of backed artifacts. The comparison helped to better define the origin of two different technical choices, adopted in similar contexts based on different functional and potential objectives. - Analysis of the retouched backed tools in the Middle Paleolithic and understanding the functionality of the wide range of technical interventions utilized for this purpose. This approach is especially applied to the Fumane Discoid assemblage, while a comparison with MTA-B backed knives confirmed their different nature. The study contributed to define a technical innovation conceived by late Neanderthals, whether it responds to the application of mental models with a possible cultural value (MTA-B backed knives), or to purely functional and ergonomic purposes (Discoid retouched backed tools). In order to validate these models on a general scale, it was necessary to cross the obtained data with the known chronological and ecological framework. Finally, in the appendix, we propose a method to achieve the laterality in the use of backed tools.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 04/04/2021
Descrizione: Delpiano_Tesi_Phd
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