The investigation has as its object the procedural protection that the system recognizes to third parties involved in a procedure aimed at the adoption of a measure of confiscation of prevention; therefore, the analysis focuses on the rights and powers that these subjects can exercise during the procedure. The assumption from which the research is taken into consideration is that, in recent years, the attention of the Legislator, in the criminal matter, has been catalyzed more and more by the patrimonies and riches illegally accumulated by the criminal organizations, which have become the privileged target of the punitive intervention. Alongside a criminal patrimonial law, a "trial of the patrimony" has been built up, which has seen in the forms of patrimonial incapacitation, recte in the confiscation, the privileged form of coercive state response. In particular, the Italian model has been characterized by a paroxysmal recourse to the use of the confiscation measure of prevention, a sanction of a non-criminal nature. The consideration for which the dispositions of attorney, whether precautionary or definitive, risk involving property formally in the ownership or availability of third parties, has moved the legislator, national and European, to prepare a minimum statute of guarantee in respect of these subjects. This is why the most recent European legislation (Directive 2014/42/EU on the freezing and confiscation of instrumental property and the proceeds from crime in the European Union) calls on the Member States to guarantee a minimum statute for the protection of the rights of third parties when transposing it (Articles 6 and 7). From the point of view of the general theory of the trial, in fact, the third party, not being a part of the criminal trial, but a stranger, cannot propose any appeal against the sentence of first instance which provides for the confiscation of goods and properties on which, for whatever reason, a claim is made. The protection of third parties, on the other hand, has long been a "cross and delight" of the procedure of patrimonial prevention. The research has been characterized by two poles: on the one hand, the process of patrimonial prevention; on the other, the participation of the third party in the same. In conclusion, particular attention was paid to the issue of evidence, differentiating with regard to the object of evidence that each category of third party is required to demonstrate.
L’indagine ha ad oggetto la tutela procedimentale che l’ordinamento riconosce ai terzi coinvolti in un procedimento finalizzato all’adozione di un provvedimento di confisca di prevenzione; dunque, si concentra sui diritti ed i poteri che questi soggetti possono esercitare nel corso del procedimento. L’assunto da cui prende abbrivio la ricerca è quello per cui negli ultimi anni l’attenzione del legislatore, in materia penale, è stata catalizzata sempre più dai patrimoni e dalle ricchezze illecitamente accumulate dalle organizzazioni criminali, che sono così divenute il bersaglio privilegiato dell’intervento punitivo. Accanto a un diritto penale patrimoniale si è, così, edificato un “processo al patrimonio” che ha visto nelle forme di incapacitazione patrimoniali, recte nella confisca, la forma privilegiata di risposta coercitiva statale. In particolare, il modello italiano si è connotato per un ricorso parossistico all’utilizzo della confisca misura di prevenzione, una sanzione dalla natura non penale. La considerazione per cui i provvedimenti ablatori, siano essi cautelari, oppure definitivi, rischiano di coinvolgere beni formalmente nella proprietà o nella disponibilità di soggetti terzi ha mosso il legislatore, nazionale . È questo il motivo per cui la più recente normativa europea (la direttiva 2014/42/UE relativa al congelamento e alla confisca dei beni strumentali e dei proventi da reato nell’Unione europea) chiede agli Stati membri di garantire uno statuto minimo di tutela dei diritti dei terzi in sede di trasposizione (artt. 6 e 7). Peraltro, in sede di recepimento della direttiva (d.lgs. 29 ottobre 2016, n. 202) il legislatore domestico non ha apportato alcuna modifica al nostro ordinamento in merito alle garanzie che devono essere riconosciute ai soggetti terzi coinvolti in un procedimento penale all’esito del quale sarà comminata la sanzione della confisca. Dal punto di vista della teoria generale del processo, infatti, il terzo non essendo una parte del processo penale, ma un estraneo, non può proporre alcuna impugnazione avverso la sentenza di primo grado che prevede la confisca di beni su cui vanti, a qualsiasi titolo, una pretesa. La tutela dei soggetti terzi, invece, è da tempo “croce e delizia” del procedimento di prevenzione patrimoniale. Si sono così esaminate le differenti posizioni e gli strumenti di tutela corrispondenti a ciascuna di esse, che le diverse tipologie di terzi possono azionare, pur nell’unicità del procedimento.
I terzi nel procedimento di prevenzione patrimoniale finalizzato alla confisca. Diritti, poteri e tutela dei soggetti coinvolti nel procedimento alla luce della direttiva 2014/42/UE e del regolamento 2018/1805/UE.
The investigation has as its object the procedural protection that the system recognizes to third parties involved in a procedure aimed at the adoption of a measure of confiscation of prevention; therefore, the analysis focuses on the rights and powers that these subjects can exercise during the procedure. The assumption from which the research is taken into consideration is that, in recent years, the attention of the Legislator, in the criminal matter, has been catalyzed more and more by the patrimonies and riches illegally accumulated by the criminal organizations, which have become the privileged target of the punitive intervention. Alongside a criminal patrimonial law, a "trial of the patrimony" has been built up, which has seen in the forms of patrimonial incapacitation, recte in the confiscation, the privileged form of coercive state response. In particular, the Italian model has been characterized by a paroxysmal recourse to the use of the confiscation measure of prevention, a sanction of a non-criminal nature. The consideration for which the dispositions of attorney, whether precautionary or definitive, risk involving property formally in the ownership or availability of third parties, has moved the legislator, national and European, to prepare a minimum statute of guarantee in respect of these subjects. This is why the most recent European legislation (Directive 2014/42/EU on the freezing and confiscation of instrumental property and the proceeds from crime in the European Union) calls on the Member States to guarantee a minimum statute for the protection of the rights of third parties when transposing it (Articles 6 and 7). From the point of view of the general theory of the trial, in fact, the third party, not being a part of the criminal trial, but a stranger, cannot propose any appeal against the sentence of first instance which provides for the confiscation of goods and properties on which, for whatever reason, a claim is made. The protection of third parties, on the other hand, has long been a "cross and delight" of the procedure of patrimonial prevention. The research has been characterized by two poles: on the one hand, the process of patrimonial prevention; on the other, the participation of the third party in the same. In conclusion, particular attention was paid to the issue of evidence, differentiating with regard to the object of evidence that each category of third party is required to demonstrate.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Open Access dal 01/04/2021
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