In the last ten years the local authorities have experienced a series of reform interventions shaped on the simplification of the local administrative map, the rationalization of competences and the spending review. Many of the tensions of the years of crisis experienced a first result in Law no. 56 of 2014, that it is characterized by some qualifying points: it transformed the Provinces into second-generation organizations, offered realization to metropolitan cities and promoted a reorganization of the administrative functions of territorial bodies, both fundamental and non-fundamental, at all levels of local government, waiting for the next reform of Title V of the Constitution. To this regulation, however, various legislative provisions have been added with orientated provisions towards saving public spending linked to the organic and financial endowments of local authorities that deployed immediate effects on local administrative capacity. After a first phase of implementation of the so called Delrio law by the Regions, the constitutional referendum of 4 December 2016 had a negative outcome, preventing the completion of the reform program and opening a new season of operational uncertainties for local authorities. With these premises, the research aims to understand if the Legislator could make more coherent choices and it identifies on which aspects it is urgent to intervene. In particular, the work starts from the always current principle enunciated by Massimo Severo Giannini, according to which «in principio sono le funzioni [in the beginning are the functions]», to understand if this statement was followed by the Italian Legislator. It is concluded that the legislature has preferred to base its reform laws on linear cuts to public spending that are inconsistent with each other, rather than achieving the expected results in terms of rational reallocation of administrative functions as also underlined by some rulings by the Constitutional Court. The research identifies, therefore, the legal solutions that are not desirable in terms of method and merit and it proposes some concretely applicable corrections to the current discipline, trying to identify basic principles – to complete the adage for which «in principio sono le funzioni [in the beginning are the functions]» – preparatory to the declination of a functional reallocation theory valid for any functional reorganization. The "special" part of the thesis deals with two distinct insights. The first one describes the functional structure of the French territorial authorities, with a comparative law approach. In France the recent reforms seem to be informed to the same objectives as those of Italy, unless they are better planned and bring greater intrinsic coherence among the measures adopted over the years to favor the clarification of competences. The second one deals with the topic of the European dimension of some policies concerning local authorities and tries to reconstruct a link between some transnational policies and some local development policies with the aim of underlining the role of the European discipline with respect to the support (also economic) to the administrative competences of the local authorities. The research closes with some proposals for a possible theory of the reallocation of administrative functions, which highlight: a) the need for forms of interconnection and technical-functional connection between functional subjects acting in wide areas; b) the need for further forms of differentiation as regards the level of municipal government; c) the usefulness of the acceptance of the principle of correlation between resources and functions and, in particular, of the application of the "FOCJ" scheme borrowed from the economic theory of functional federalism to any reorganization of functions, especially fundamental ones.
Negli ultimi dieci anni le autonomie locali hanno conosciuto una serie di interventi di riforma informati alla semplificazione della mappa amministrativa locale, alla razionalizzazione delle competenze ed alla spending review. Molte delle tensioni ordinamentali degli anni della crisi hanno conosciuto un primo approdo nella Legge n. 56 del 2014, la quale si caratterizza per alcuni punti qualificanti: essa ha trasformato le Province in Enti di 2a generazione, ha offerto applicazione alle Città metropolitane ed ha promosso un riordino delle funzioni amministrative degli Enti territoriali presso tutti i livelli del governo locale, nell’attesa della successiva riforma del Titolo V della Costituzione. A tale disciplina, tuttavia, si sono affiancati diversi provvedimenti normativi recanti disposizioni informate al risparmio della spesa pubblica legata alle dotazioni organiche e finanziarie degli Enti territoriali, che hanno dispiegato effetti immediati sulla capacità amministrativa locale. Dopo una prima fase di attuazione della c.d. “Legge Delrio” da parte delle Regioni, il referendum costituzionale del 4/12/2016 ha fatto registrare esito negativo, impedendo il completamento del programma di riforme ed aprendo ad una nuova stagione di incertezze operative per le autonomie locali. Con queste premesse, la ricerca mira a comprendere se il Legislatore potesse compiere scelte più coerenti ed individua su quali aspetti urge intervenire. In particolare, il lavoro parte dal sempre attuale, principio enunciato da M.S. Giannini, secondo il quale «in principio sono le funzioni», per comprendere se tale enunciato sia stato seguito dal Legislatore italiano. Si giunge alla conclusione che il Legislatore ha preferito fondare le proprie leggi di riforma su tagli lineari alla spesa pubblica incoerenti tra loro, anziché raggiungere i dichiarati risultati attesi in materia di razionale riallocazione delle funzioni amministrative, come sottolineato anche da alcune pronunce della Corte costituzionale. La ricerca individua, dunque, le soluzioni normative poco desiderabili sotto i profili del metodo e del merito e propone alcuni correttivi concretamente apportabili all’attuale disciplina, cercando di individuare dei principi di base – a completamento dell’adagio per il quale «in principio sono le funzioni» – propedeutici alla declinazione di una teoria della riallocazione funzionale valida per ogni eventuale riordino funzionale. La parte “speciale” della tesi affronta, invece, due distinti approfondimenti. Il primo descrive l’assetto funzionale degli Enti territoriali francesi, con un approccio di diritto comparato. In Francia le recenti riforme sembrano informate agli stessi obiettivi di quelle italiane, salvo risultare meglio programmate e recare una maggiore coerenza intrinseca tra le misure adottate negli anni per favorire la chiarificazione delle competenze. Il secondo approfondimento affronta il tema della dimensione europea di alcune politiche riguardanti gli Enti territoriali e tenta di ricostruire un legame tra alcune politiche transnazionali ed alcune politiche di sviluppo locale, con la finalità di sottolineare il ruolo della disciplina europea rispetto al supporto (anche economico) alle competenze amministrative delle autonomie locali. La ricerca si chiude con alcune proposte per una possibile teoria della riallocazione delle competenze amministrative, le quali evidenziano: a) l’esigenza di forme di interconnessione e di raccordo tecnico-funzionale tra i soggetti funzionali che agiscono nelle aree vaste; b) la necessità di ulteriori forme di differenziazione per quanto attiene al livello di governo comunale; c) l’utilità dell’accoglimento del principio di correlazione tra risorse e funzioni e, segnatamente, dell’applicazione dello schema «FOCJ» mutuato dalla teoria economica del federalismo funzionale a qualsiasi riordino di funzioni, soprattutto quelle fondamentali.
RICCIARDI, Giuseppe Carlo
In the last ten years the local authorities have experienced a series of reform interventions shaped on the simplification of the local administrative map, the rationalization of competences and the spending review. Many of the tensions of the years of crisis experienced a first result in Law no. 56 of 2014, that it is characterized by some qualifying points: it transformed the Provinces into second-generation organizations, offered realization to metropolitan cities and promoted a reorganization of the administrative functions of territorial bodies, both fundamental and non-fundamental, at all levels of local government, waiting for the next reform of Title V of the Constitution. To this regulation, however, various legislative provisions have been added with orientated provisions towards saving public spending linked to the organic and financial endowments of local authorities that deployed immediate effects on local administrative capacity. After a first phase of implementation of the so called Delrio law by the Regions, the constitutional referendum of 4 December 2016 had a negative outcome, preventing the completion of the reform program and opening a new season of operational uncertainties for local authorities. With these premises, the research aims to understand if the Legislator could make more coherent choices and it identifies on which aspects it is urgent to intervene. In particular, the work starts from the always current principle enunciated by Massimo Severo Giannini, according to which «in principio sono le funzioni [in the beginning are the functions]», to understand if this statement was followed by the Italian Legislator. It is concluded that the legislature has preferred to base its reform laws on linear cuts to public spending that are inconsistent with each other, rather than achieving the expected results in terms of rational reallocation of administrative functions as also underlined by some rulings by the Constitutional Court. The research identifies, therefore, the legal solutions that are not desirable in terms of method and merit and it proposes some concretely applicable corrections to the current discipline, trying to identify basic principles – to complete the adage for which «in principio sono le funzioni [in the beginning are the functions]» – preparatory to the declination of a functional reallocation theory valid for any functional reorganization. The "special" part of the thesis deals with two distinct insights. The first one describes the functional structure of the French territorial authorities, with a comparative law approach. In France the recent reforms seem to be informed to the same objectives as those of Italy, unless they are better planned and bring greater intrinsic coherence among the measures adopted over the years to favor the clarification of competences. The second one deals with the topic of the European dimension of some policies concerning local authorities and tries to reconstruct a link between some transnational policies and some local development policies with the aim of underlining the role of the European discipline with respect to the support (also economic) to the administrative competences of the local authorities. The research closes with some proposals for a possible theory of the reallocation of administrative functions, which highlight: a) the need for forms of interconnection and technical-functional connection between functional subjects acting in wide areas; b) the need for further forms of differentiation as regards the level of municipal government; c) the usefulness of the acceptance of the principle of correlation between resources and functions and, in particular, of the application of the "FOCJ" scheme borrowed from the economic theory of functional federalism to any reorganization of functions, especially fundamental ones.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Open Access dal 27/03/2021
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