Archaeological investigations carried out in 2021 (12th to 30th July) at Pra’ Comun-Passo Giau (San Vito di Cadore, BL) focused on the excavation of rock-shelter 1 (PC1), formed by the projecting walls of a limestone boulder, previously explored by a trench in 2019 and an extensive excavation in 2020, and of an open-air site at Busa dei Lavares corresponding to a stone structure (SV060, explorative trench). At rock shelter PC1 the investigated area was enlarged over a surface of around 10,5m2. As ascertained during previous archaeological campaigns, in the upper part of the sequence layers dated to the Late Roman period/early Middle Ages were identified, namely four main occupation soils (UUSS2, 3, 7 e 9, of which 3 and 9 are present stones) and two layers with fire alteration (UUSS 8 and 10). In the lower part of the sequence, two layers dated to the Early Mesolithic (Sauveterrian) were brought to light: an occupation soil (US4 – near the rock wall) and an accumulation of stones (external area). US 4 is deeper in the central area of the shelter, where it fills a possible contained combustion structure (US4II, to be excavated). It covers a layer characterised by a brownish sandy-lime matrix with numerous limestone slabs (US5), the origin of which is still to be verified. The trench (1x1,50m) opened near SV060 was carried out in the inner corner of the depression created by the structure, along its longer side running SW-NE. The UUSS identified consist of collapsed stones (US4), patches of charcoals and layers altered by fire (UUSS 2 and 3), a post-hole wedging (ES9), lime and lime-clayey layers with variable amounts of gravels and charcoals (UUSS 5, 6, 7). No artefacts were identified except for a rock/melting slag (US6), the interpretation of which is still in progress.
Le ricerche archeologiche dell’anno 2021 (svoltesi dal 12 al 30 luglio) presso Pra’ Comun-Passo Giau (San Vito di Cadore, BL) hanno interessato il riparo 1 (PC1), formato dalle pareti aggettanti di un masso calcareo, già oggetto di un saggio nel 2019 e di uno scavo estensivo nel 2020, e l’area all’aperto della Busa dei Lavares in prossimità di una struttura in pietre a secco (SV060, esecuzione di un sondaggio esplorativo). Nel riparo PC1 è stata ampliata l’area di scavo per un totale di circa 10,5m2. Coerentemente a quanto già evidenziato nelle precedenti campagne, nella porzione superiore della sequenza sono stati asportati livelli di epoca tardo antica-alto medievale, costituiti da quattro suoli di frequentazione (UUSS2, 3, 7 e 9, di cui 3 e 9 caratterizzati da pietrisco), associati a piani riferibili ad aree da fuoco (UUSS 8 e 10). Nella parte inferiore, sono stati messi in luce due livelli riferibili al Mesolitico antico (Sauveterriano), costituiti da un suolo d’abitato (US4 - area prossima alla parete rocciosa), e da una zona di spietramento esterna (da denominare). US 4 si approfondisce nella parte centrale dell’area (US4II), all’interno di una possibile struttura di combustione (da scavare) e copre uno strato a matrice limo-sabbiosa di colore bruno con abbondanti clasti la cui natura resta da verificare (US5). Il sondaggio (1x1,50m) eseguito presso SV060 è stato praticato nell’angolo interno della depressione data dalla struttura in pietre, sul lato lungo che corre SO-NE. Le UUSS individuate consistono in crolli di pietre (US4), chiazze di carboni e livelli alterati dall’accensione di focolari (UUSS 2 e 3), inzeppature di buca di palo (ES9), livelli limosi e limo-argillosi con presenza variabile di scheletro di ghiaia e carboni (UUSS 5, 6, 7). Non sono stati rinvenuti manufatti, ad eccezione di una roccia/scoria di fusione (US6), la cui interpretazione è al vaglio.
Passo Giau-Pra' Comun (San Vito di Cadore, Belluno)
Federica Fontana
;Davide Visentin;
Archaeological investigations carried out in 2021 (12th to 30th July) at Pra’ Comun-Passo Giau (San Vito di Cadore, BL) focused on the excavation of rock-shelter 1 (PC1), formed by the projecting walls of a limestone boulder, previously explored by a trench in 2019 and an extensive excavation in 2020, and of an open-air site at Busa dei Lavares corresponding to a stone structure (SV060, explorative trench). At rock shelter PC1 the investigated area was enlarged over a surface of around 10,5m2. As ascertained during previous archaeological campaigns, in the upper part of the sequence layers dated to the Late Roman period/early Middle Ages were identified, namely four main occupation soils (UUSS2, 3, 7 e 9, of which 3 and 9 are present stones) and two layers with fire alteration (UUSS 8 and 10). In the lower part of the sequence, two layers dated to the Early Mesolithic (Sauveterrian) were brought to light: an occupation soil (US4 – near the rock wall) and an accumulation of stones (external area). US 4 is deeper in the central area of the shelter, where it fills a possible contained combustion structure (US4II, to be excavated). It covers a layer characterised by a brownish sandy-lime matrix with numerous limestone slabs (US5), the origin of which is still to be verified. The trench (1x1,50m) opened near SV060 was carried out in the inner corner of the depression created by the structure, along its longer side running SW-NE. The UUSS identified consist of collapsed stones (US4), patches of charcoals and layers altered by fire (UUSS 2 and 3), a post-hole wedging (ES9), lime and lime-clayey layers with variable amounts of gravels and charcoals (UUSS 5, 6, 7). No artefacts were identified except for a rock/melting slag (US6), the interpretation of which is still in progress.I documenti in SFERA sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.