Beyond the walls - The impact of urban sprawl on the fortifications in Albania
file con accesso da definire2024 Plyku Demaj, Marsela; Mitrojorgji, Joli; Gjata, Klodjana
Butrint, History - Monuments - Nature - Work done in the framework of Mo.Na EU Project
file con accesso da definire2021 Plyku Demaj, Marsela; Gjata, Klodjana; Xhaferaj, Era
Continuity and Interruption in Architecture /Case of the historic urban landscape of Finiq (ancient Phoeniciae), Albania
file con accesso da definire2024 Plyku Demaj, Marsela
Deklarata e Amsterdamit: miratuar në Kongresin për Trashëgiminë Arkitekturore Evropiane në Amsterdam, 21 - 25 tetor 1975
file con accesso da definire2023 Kora, Sonila; Demaj, Marsela; Abazi, Boiken
Exploring the balance between common and private spaces. A case study from Tirana
file con accesso da definire2023 Marjanaku, Hera; Plyku DEMAJ, Marsela; Kumaraku, Llazar
Exploring the dialectic between permanence and change. The case of Epidamn Bulevard in Durrës
file con accesso da definire2023 Buka, Iden; Plyku DEMAJ, Marsela; Kumaraku, Llazar
Introducing the "Risk Component" in Heritage Management Planning
file con accesso da definire2022 Demaj, Marsela
Karta për ruajtjen e qyteteve historike dhe zonave historiko-urbane - Karta e Washingtonit: Albanian translation of the ICOMOS Charter for the conservation of historic towns and urban areas (Washington Charter)
file con accesso da definire2023 Demaj, Marsela
Original Title: First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Crisis - Handbook Title of Translated publication: Ndihma e Parë ndaj Trashëgimisë Kulturore në Kohë Krizash
file con accesso da definire2023 Tandon, Aparna; Jigyasu, Rohit; Crété, Eugénie; Selter, Elke; Romão, Xavier; Paupério, Esmeralda; Cecilia Rodríguez Moreno, María; Poshyvailo, Ihor; Myo Ko, Kyaw; Spano, Valentina; Salih, Layla; Roze, Enkeleda; Mano, Anisa; Demaj, Marsela; Gjata, Klodjana
Prof. Dr. Aleksandër Meksi, Xhamitë e Shqipërisë, Historia, Arkitektura, shek XV-XIX, AIITC, Tiranë 2015
file con accesso da definire2022 Demaj, Marsela
Rapid Damage Assessment in Earthquake Damaged Heritage Buildings Case Study of 2019 November 26th Earthquake in Albania
file con accesso da definire2022 Plyku Demaj, Marsela; Gjata, Klodjana
Revisiting Durrës, A Critical analysis on the existence of Durrës Historic Centre
file con accesso da definire2024 Plyku Demaj, Marsela; Buka, Iden
The Cultural Commons of Phoenice: Landscape as the natural and cultural heritage commons
file con accesso da definire2024 Musaj, Doriana; Shehu, Dhurata; Boldrin, Enrica; Fredduzzi, Gabriele; Cei, Luca; Morganti, Luca; Demaj, Marsela
Workshop Report: Theory of Architecture for Towers.
file con accesso da definire2022 Como, Alessandra; SMERAGLIUOLO PERROTTA, Luisa; Talenti, Simona; Teodosio, Annarita; Plyku Demaj, Marsela